четвртак, 31. јануар 2008.

Castle of Rumbeke

Zamak Rumbeke (Rumbeke castle) je jedan od nastarijih zamaka u Belgiji, napravljenih u doba renesanse (Rumbeke je deo Roeselare-a).
Na tom mestu je postojalo zdanje jos u XIII veku. U naredna tri veka, vlasnici su se cesto menjali (vencanja, nasledstvo, prodaja...).

Godine 1534. Lord Thomas de Thiennes nasledjuje a oko 1538. godine potpuno rekonstruise zdanje i zamak dobija sadasnji izgled. Njegovi naslednici ostaju vlasnici sve do 1865. kada udajom jedne tete, zamak prelazi u vlasnistvo porodice Limburg. 1987. prelazi u privatno vlasnistvo.
Bio je ostecen u nekoliko navrata: invazija Flandrije od strane Louis-a XIV, za vreme Francuske revolucije, tokom Prvog i Drugog Svetskog rata. Tokom WWI, zamak je jedno vreme bio vojni stab jer je bio blizu fronta i dom barona Manfred von Richthofen-a, poznatog kao Red Baron (svojim jarko-crvenim avionom je oborio preko 80 neprijateljskih aviona).
Izmedju 1961. i 1965. godine, zamak se renovira pri cemu je vracen originalni izgled a 1969. postaje zakonom zasticen i otvara se za javnost. U zamku se nalazi jedna koncertna sala i nekoliko konferencijskih.
Moze videti u komediji "That Lucky Touch", ciji je deo sniman u Rumbeke-u 1975. Uloge u tom filmu su tumacili Roger Moore i Shelley Winters.

Ulaz u dvoriste zamka.

Veeeliko drvo ispred ulaza u zamak.

U dvoristu se nalazi i restoran, caffe i igraliste za decu.

Pomocna zgrada.

Izgled zamka nocu.

Chateau Rumbeke (Rumbeke castle) is one of the oldest castle in Belgium, made in the Renaissance (Rumbeke is part of the Roeselare-a).
At that point there was another building in the thirteenth century. In the next three centuries, the owners are often changed (marriage, inheritance, sales ...).

In 1534th Lord Thomas de Thiennes inherited and around 1538th completely reconstruct the castle building and getting the current layout. His successors remain the owners until the 1865th when a married aunts, Castle moved to the family Limburg. 1987th moved to private property.
It was damaged on several occasions: the invasion of Flanders by Louis XIV and, during the French Revolution, the First and Second World War. During WWI, the castle at one time was a military headquarters because it was near the front and the home of Baron Manfred von Richthofen, the famous as the Red Baron (their bright-red plane was shot down over 80 enemy planes).
Among the 1961st and 1965th The castle is where the renovation is returned to its original appearance and 1969th becomes legally protected and opened to the public. The trap is a concert hall and a conference.
Can be seen in the comedy "That Lucky Touch", whose part-filmed in Rumbeke in 1975. Actors in the film are interpreted Roger Moore and Shelley Winters.

The entrance to the courtyard of the castle.

A big tree in front of the entrance to the castle.

In the courtyard there is a restaurant, cafe and playground for children.

Subsidiary building.

The appearance of the castle at night.

понедељак, 28. јануар 2008.

Kanal nocu

Ako prelistate par postova nize, videce te opis i par fotografija jednog kanala u Roeselare-u. Kao dodatak, evo jos jedne fotografije.

If scroll through a few posts below, you will see a description and photo of a pair of channels in Roeselare. In addition, here's yet another photo.

среда, 23. јануар 2008.

Biciklisti u Roeselare-u

Gde parkirati bicikl u Roeselare-u?
Jedna od karakteristika ovog dela Belgije, je veliki broj biciklista. Motociklista ima manje, s'tim da su skuteri najbrojniji (oni mali, 49 ccm). Zanimljivo je da se motorcici :-) do 50 ccm, ne registruju u Belgiji.
O pravim motorima, drugom prilikom.
Da se vratim na bicikliste i njihova prevozna sredstva. Razlozi zasto se dosta koriste su brojni. Ravnicarski predeo, lako provlacenje kroz guzvu, mali grad pa se svuda brzo stigne, klima je takva da je moguce voziti bicikl cele godine,...
Pesaci su zakon broj jedan u saobracaju. Odmah za njima su biciklisti. Svuda ima dela puta predvidjenog za kretanje biciklista. To je ili posebno oznacena traka na ulici ili nezavisna biciklisticna staza. Ovih drugih ima dosta manje. Ali kako se te staze ukrstaju sa trakama kojima se krecu automobili, treba biti veoma obazriv. Biciklista se vozi i nailazi na deo gde se njegova staza ukrsta sa trakom za automobile. Mislite da biciklista staje? Hehe. Samo nastavlja dalje kao da je sam. Mozda ce da Vas pogleda za kratko da se uveri da cete stati. Ali vecina ni ne obraca paznju na automobile jer se podrazumeva da ce ga automobil propustiti. Uf, stalno se strecam kada vozim. Kada bi ovi biciklisti dosli da voze po Srbiji, bili bi desetkovani u rekordnom roku.
Tako da cete na dosta mesta videti mesta za parkiranje kao ona na slici sa pocetka price.
Na slici se isto vide bicikli. Neko ce reci, obicni, prosti... Da, vecina vozi ovakve bicikle. Retko cete videti "mountain-bike", toliko popularan u Srbiji. Ima i sportskih bicikla, ali oni stvarno sluze za sport. Biciklizam je prilicno popularan u Belgiji.

Where to park your bike in Roeselare?
One of the characteristics of this part of the Belgian a large number of cyclists. Motorcyclist is less, provided that the largest scooters (those small, 49 cc). It is interesting that motorcici :-) to 50 cc, not registered in Belgium.
The right engine, later.
To get back to the bikers and their transport. The reasons why a lot of use are numerous. Plain area, easy infiltration through the crowd, a small town and quickly reaches everywhere, the climate is such that it is possible to ride a bike all year round, ...
Pedestrians are the number one law in traffic. Immediately after them were cyclists. Everywhere there are road works scheduled for the movement of cyclists. It is either a specially marked tape on the street or independent biciklisticna path. Of the latter has a lot less. But as you cross paths with bands that move cars should be very cautious. Biker driving down the part where he runs into his path intersects with the strip for automobiles. Do you think cyclists fit? Hehe. Just continuing to be alone. Maybe you can look for short to make sure that you will fit. But most do not even paying attention to the cars because it is assumed that the car missed him. Phew, you are constantly stretch drive. If these cyclists come to drive through Serbia, would be decimated in record time.
So you will see a lot of room for parking as it is shown to the beginning of the story.
The figure also see bicycles. Someone will say, ordinary, simple ... Yes, most of these bikes ride. You will rarely see a "mountain-bike", so popular in Serbia. There are sports bike, but they are really serving for sport. Cycling is quite popular in Belgium.

уторак, 22. јануар 2008.

Kingdom Of Heaven

Kingdom Of Heaven
Istoriski film. Ima svega: vitezova, casti, zlobe, ljubavi, krvi,... Vredi pogledati. Traje malo vise od 2h.
Rezija: Ridley Scott
Glavni glumac: Martin Hancock
Glavna glumica: Nathalie Cox

Par scena:

Statue and chanel in Roeselare

Belgija je dosta organizovanija od Srbije. Cistija je. Na tom su nivou da su resena neka osnovna zivotna pitanja pa sada razmisljaju dalje. Cak i od obicne stvari oni nesto naprave. Neki mali trg, parkic ili nesto trece. Srede i postave neki spomenik, znak, simbol, bistu,... Obavezno tu je i neko kulturno desavanje povodom toga, i eto dogadjaja. Naravno, nije to nista spektakularno, ali ipak dovoljno da se nesto desava.

Evo na primer Statua Isusa Hrista.

Nalazi se ispred jednog od kanala. Deo ispred statue je lepo sredjen i posut sitnim kamencicima. Iza se nalazi mali lavirint napravljen od celicnih ploca.

Iza pocinje kanal sa stazom za setanjem i klupama sa obe strane kanala.

Sa druge strane kanala, na izlazu, je opet lavirint. Cisto i jednostavno. Lepo mesto za setanje.


Belgium is a lot more organized than in Serbia. Cleaner's. At this level they have resolved some basic questions still think so now. Even the ordinary things they make something. A small square, a little park or something else. Wednesday and set up a monument, sign, symbol, bust, ... Be sure there is a cultural event about it, and our events. Of course, it's nothing spectacular, but still enough to make something happen.

Here's the example of Jesus Christ statue.

It is located in front of one channel. Part of the front of the statue is beautifully renovated and the seme with small stones. Behind is a small maze made of steel plate.

After starting the channel from the walking path and benches on both sides of the channel.

On the other side of the channel at the exit, the maze again. Pure and simple. Nice place for walking.


недеља, 20. јануар 2008.

Statue Of Albrecht Rodenbach and Saint Amand's Church

Statue Of Albrecht Rodenbach
Albrecht Rodenbach (1856.-1880.) je bio pesnik i vodja u obnovi Flamanske knjizevnosti. Jedan od najvecih simbola grada Roeselare-a. Statua je podignuta 1909. godine za vreme trodnevnog Flemish festivala.
Iza Statue se nalazi Saint Amand's Church.

Crkva je gradjena u periodu 1869.-1872. Kupola je visoka 45 metara i u njoj se nalaze 4 zvona.

Albrecht Rodenbach (1856th-1880th) was a poet and a leader in the restoration of Flemish literature. One of the greatest symbols of the city's Roeselare. The statue was built in 1909th The Flemish during the three-day festival.
Statue is located behind Saint Amand's Church.
The church was built in the period 1869th-1872nd The dome is 45 meters high and there are 4 tones.

Translate with 'Google translate'

Roeselare, Belgium

gradic u Belgiji u kome cu provesti par nedelja. Nalazi se u Flemish Region (Belgija se sastoji iz tri regiona: Flemish Region, Wallon Region i Brussels-Capital Region). Tacnije, to je oblast Zapadna Flandrija (West Flanders). Grad imao oko 55 000 stanovnika. Lep i miran. Ono sto se mnogima svidja je klima. Zimi je temperatura vrlo retko ispod 0. Mozda je najbolje poredjenje sa novembrom u Sumadiji. Leta su im hladna za nasa shvatanja. Na primer, u avgustu prosle godine, kada kod nas bilo 40C, u ovom delu Belgije je bilo 20-25C. Mada kazu za poslednje leto da je bilo najhladnije u poslednjih 50 godina. Samo sto je cesto oblacno pa se Sunce samo nazire. A to mnogima smeta jer utice na raspolozenje.
Sto se tice privrede i razvijenosti, samo cu reci da je ovo najrazvijeniji i najbogatiji deo Belgije.
Ali mala napomena onima koji pomisle da bi bilo lepo naci neku belgijanku i doci ovde. Da se ne bi belgijanke (puno) uvredile, ne mogu da se porede sa curama iz Srbije. Sto se izgleda tice. Ali su zato mnogo normalnije (citaj: prijatnije, opustenije i ne opterecene nekim glupostima,...) od nasih lepotica.
Sto se tice belgijanaca, nemam pojma :-).
Mada, neko moje misljenje je da imamo dosta vise slicnosti sa belgijancima nego sto sam mislio u pocetku.
I jos jedna napomena u vezi one cuvene da je kod nas najbolji provod i da drugi ne znaju da uzivaju kao mi srbi... Jos jednom se pokazalo da to nije tacno. Pre se za njih moze reci da "rade da bi ziveli" a "ne zive da bi radili".
Pauza u ovoj kompaniji je od 12.00-12.30. Pre neki dan radim sa kolegom belgijancem. Pogleda covek na sat i vidi 12.02. "O my God, we are working extra-time. (O Boze, pa mi radimo prekovremeno.)" Nasmejasmo se i pravac pauza.
Da Vas vise ne davim...
Bice nekih slicica i malih objasnjenja.
Hvala na paznji.

is town where I will spend next few weeks.
It is in Flemish Region (Belgium have three regions: Flemish Region, Walloon Region i Brussels-Capital Region). Precisely, it's West Flanders.
Town have about 55 000 citizens. Nice and quiet. Climate is mild and because of that most people like to live there.
Winter. Temperature is very rarely bellow 0C. Maybe is best comparation is with November in Sumadija (central part of Serbia).
Summer. They are pretty cold for me. For example, in august last year, when in Serbia was
40C, in this part of Belgium it was 20-25C. But, it was most colder summer in last 50 years. And something important (for me) is that sky is almost all time cloudy. You can't see Sun. That can have influence on people behavior.
About economy... I will just say, this region is most developed part of Belgium, and I think, richest.
But little comment for those how will thing that would be great to find Belgium girl and come to live in Belgium. I don't wonna offense Belgium girls, but you can't compare them with girls from Serbia. I mean in beauty and charm. But if you look at other side you will see that Belgium girls are more relaxed, pleasant, kind and they don't raise their nose in sky :-). In one word, they are normal girls.
If you ask about Belgium guys, I don't know anything...
But, if I look little bit closer, I see that we have more in comment, that I though in beginning.
One little thing. People in Serbia usually say that there is the best place to have fun. Maybe it was that in past. But not anymore. You know what people say (something like): "Work to live not live to work". Belgium people live with that postulate, much more that Serbian people. Break in this company is 12.00-12.30. Few days before, I work with my colleague, Belgium guy. Guy look to see what time is and he saw it was 12.02. "
O my God, we are working extra-time." We laugh and went to break.
I won't be boring...
I will put some pictures with few explanations.
Thank you for attention.