Tattoo je trag nastao ubacivanjem pigmenta u kozu u dekorativne ili neke druge svrhe. Koristi se od davnina i predstavlja neku vrstu umetnosti. Neko to voli neko ne. Neki bi uradili tetovazu ali ih nesto sprecava (strah od boli, predrasude, misljenje okoline,...).
Ali kada sam video ovo, blago receno da sam ostao bez teksta. Eye Tattooing (tetovaza oka!)
Evo ga i jedan tekst:
Eye Tattooing
Just when you think you can no longer be shocked by a body modification, along comes the eyeball tattoo
Yes, the eyeball tattoo. People really are getting their peepers tattooed in more or less the same way that you would get any other part of your body inked.
Along with two of his friends, Pauly Unstoppable and Josh, Shannon Larratt, founder and owner of body-modification website, had the procedure done about four weeks ago. Although Shannon is heavily modified and said it wasn’t “a big deal”, he did concede to feeling a little trepidation: “I’d much rather a bunch of people had done it before me, but what choice do I have?”
Shannon says they adopted “a really simple, lo-tech approach” to the procedure. His eye was held open, using a forefinger and thumb, as the pigment, which is the exact same type you would use in a regular tattoo, was injected into his eyeball.
“We injected pigment under the top layer of the eye using a syringe, which, to the best of my knowledge, has never been done before, either medically or cosmetically.”
Although that sounds rather dangerous, Shannon is adamant it isn’t: “The eye is very resilient; you can put almost anything in it. Your eye actually is designed to be able to handle contaminants being there.”
And while researching the procedure he found documents dating back to the late 19th century, when it was first offered as a corrective surgery for people with poor sight, and then as a cosmetic practice to change the colour of the eye.
“It’s one of the oldest forms of tattooing,” says Shannon. “There are medical reports on it from that era that are all positive. They basically say it’s safer than regular tattooing. That’s one reason we felt fairly secure moving forward with this – we felt that if they could do it in 1900 and not have any problems then we should be able to do it now.”
And it’s also done on unsighted eyes reasonably often; it’s not uncommon for people who are blind or have various deformities in their iris to have a doctor touch it up with a tattoo.
“But we’re the first three for a very long time that have had it done on sighted eyes, so this is still in the range of a highly experimental procedure, especially with the injection method,” says Shannon, who plans to have more injections done to give the tattoo a more solid appearance, and then
to have the other eye done as well.
We’ll keep in touch with him and let you know how it works out.
I za kraj, kako neko moze da kaze da ovo nije lepo

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