среда, 11. фебруар 2009.


- Mene novac i slava ne zanimaju. Zanima me samo novac.

- Žene nose visoke štikle da im se jezik ne bi vukao po zemlji.

- Isterajte zlo iz žena. Uterajte im dobro!

- Mnoge devojke vole da pokazuju noge, a i šire.

- Ko pre devojci, sam u nju upada!

- Devojke su kao saksije. Dok u njih nešto ne stavite služe samo za ukras.

- Dobra vila mi je ispunila dve želje. Treći put nisam mogao.

- Prodavačica je bila toliko lepa da je bilo smešno njeno pitanje: Šta želite?

- Progutao sam tiganj. Ko ne veruje nek opipa dršku.

- Kada devojke obuku mini suknje, mladići postaju stidljivi. Stalno obaraju pogled.

- Nije važno stići prvi. Važno je stići pre drugog.

- Žene su kao vino – što su starije sve više liče na bure.

- Osmeh je jedna kriva linija koja može da ispravi mnoge stvari.

- Muškarci su kao žvake. Prvo su slatki, a posle se lepe.

- Žena je kao novčanica. Što je više u upotrebi, manje vredi.

- More je sigurno napravila neka žena. Preslano je.

- O čovekovoj sredini najveću brigu vode žene.

- Žene se dele na udovice i one koje rade na tome.

- Oprezan je onaj ko pre grmljavije opere kosu šamponom od koprive.

- Kroz moj život prolaze mnoge budale. Samo ja ostajem.

- Devoke postaju žene kad duboko u sebi spoznaju čvrst razlog za to.

- Farmeri uživaju kada ulaze u farmerke. Naročito kada one stenju i zabijaju im nokte u leđa.

- Idealna je ljubav između muškarca sa lepim primanjima i žene sa lepim davanjima.

- U našem plemenu nema više ljudoždera. Juče smo pojeli poslednjeg.

- Braka radi upoznao bi dobro očuvani harem.

- Žene se ulepšavaju jer je kod muškarca čulo vida razvijenije od pameti.

- Tačno je da nam alkohol skrati život, ali bar smo videli dvostruko više od ostalih.

- Zašto se izlagati mamurluku. Ostanite pijani !


- Me money and fame are not interested. I'm interested in only money.

- Women wear a high heel to the language they would not have dragged the country.

- Isterajte evil of women. Uterajte them well!

- Many girls like to show legs, and beyond.

- Who first girlfriend, I'm in it falls!

- Girls are like pots. While they do not put anything for decoration purposes only.

- The good fairy has met me two wishes. The third time I could not.

- Saleswoman was so beautiful that it was ridiculous her question: What do you want?

- I swallowed the pan. Who does not believe let touch the handle.

- When training girls mini skirts, boys become shy. Constantly broken, look.

- It does not matter come first. It is important to arrive before the other.

- Women are like wine - the older more and more like the barrel.

- A smile is a curved line that can correct many things.

- Men are like gum. First, the sweet, and after the beautiful.

- A woman is like a bill. What is more in use, the less it is worth.

- More is definitely made a woman. Is too salty.

- The biggest concern the environment leading women.

- Women are divided into widows and those who work on it.

- Alert is the one who washed your hair before shampoo grmljavije Nettle.

- Throughout my life many fools go. Only I remain.

- Devoke become women, when finding themselves deep in the solid reason for it.

- Farmers enjoy when you enter the jeans. Especially when those rocks and shoving their nails in the back.

- Ideal is the love between a man with a nice income and a woman with nice benefits.

- In our tribe no more cannibals. Yesterday we ate last.

- Marriage is introduced to a well-preserved harem.

- To enhance women because in men the sense of vision developed mind.

- It is true that we shorten the life of alcohol, but we have seen at least twice more than the others.

- Why Exhibit hangover. Stay drunk!

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