уторак, 9. фебруар 2010.

Kako se sklapa posao... How to find job...

Otac: Želim da oženiš devojku po mom izboru.
Sin: Ne, sam ću odabrati ženu svog života!
Otac: Ali ta devojka je kćer Bill Gatesa.
Sin: Opa, u tom slučaju.... OK

Nakon toga, otac odlazi do Bill Gatesa.
Otac: Imam idealnog muža za vašu kćer.
Bill Gates: Ali moja kćer je previše mlada za udaju!
Otac: Ali taj mladi muškarac je potpredsednik Svetske banke!
Bill Gates: Opa, u tom slučaju... OK.

Na kraju, otac odlazi u posetu predsedniku Svetske banke.
Otac: Imam jednog mladog muškarca kojega bih preporučio za potpredsednika.
Predsednik: Ali već imam više potpredsednika nego što ću ih ikada trebati!
Otac: Ali taj mladi muškarac je oženjen za kćer Bill Gatesa.
Predsednik: Opa, u tom slučaju.... OK.

Father: I want you to marry the girl of my choice.
Son: No, I will choose a woman of my life!
Father: But the girl is the daughter of Bill Gates.
Son: Wow, in this case .... OK

After that, the father goes to Bill Gates.
Father: I have a husband for your daughter.
Bill Gates: But my daughter is too young to marry!
Father: But the young man is a vice president of the World Bank!
Bill Gates: Wow, in this case ... OK.

Finally, the father went to visit the president of the World Bank.
Father: I have a young man whom I would recommend for vice president.
President: But I already have more vice presidents than I will ever need!
Father: But this young man is married to the daughter of Bill Gates.
President: Whoa, in this case .... OK.

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