четвртак, 23. април 2009.

Atomsko skloniste - Rahela

Zazelio sam krenuti
Tvojim putem
Na obale daleke
Gdje kolibe mirisu na ruze.

Burmanskim putem
Stici cu pred zid placa
Uzet te za ruku
I povesti da nitko nezna.

Snivat cemo cijelim putem
Na lezaju od palmi
U smiraj bijelog dana
Slusat cemo trube jerihona.

Puknut ce nesto tada
U glavi mojoj...
Zastat ce nicija ruka
U kosi tvojoj...

Putujemo Rahela
Putujemo do vjecnosti
Putujemo Rahela
Na obale Goe.


Rahela on YouTube


Snoopy :-)


субота, 18. април 2009.

Talenti: Srbija vs Velika Britanija

Cesto puta dodjem u situaciju da imam oprecna misljenja sa nekim ljudima po pitanju razlika Mi (Srbija) - Evropa. Pored svih mana Zapadne Evrope, imaju dosta stvari u kojima su daleko ispred nas. Naravno da ima stvari gde smo mi u prednosti, ali ti ljudi jednostavno ne zele da priznaju da smo mi tu gde jesmo, zbog nas samih.

Zasto ovo pisem? Svi znamo za smesne snimke iz emisija "Idol" i "Zvezde Granda". Da li su bas smesni? Da budemo iskren, po meni, vecina snimaka su zalosni. Ali to je samo moje misljenje. Drugi ocigledno drugacije razmisljaju.

Mogu na to da pogledam i malo drugacije. Na primer, sta je cilj tih emisija? Predpostavljam da je to prilika nekim nepoznatim buducim 'zvezdama' da pokazu sta znaju. I kasnije da dobiju priliku da snime par pesama.

Kao i veliki broj stvari kod nas, to je otislo nekim cudnim putem, pa ono po cemu se pamte te emisije su 'biseri'. Da, biseri. Ali kakvi? Kao sto procitah u jednom od komentara sa YouTube-a: 'To ima samo kod nas." Na zalost.

U prilog mojim tvrdnjama ide to da ako se na www.youtube.com, ukucaju kljucne reci "Zvezde Granda", ovo su neki od rezultatata na prvoj strani:
- Snimak 1,
- Snimak 2,
- Snimak 3.

A za kljucne reci "Idol Srbija", neki od rezultata sa prve strane su:
- Snimak 4,
- Snimak 5,
- Snimak 6.

Evo priznajem, nisam mogao da odgledam sve. Ne zato sto mi je veza sa Internetom ovih dana sporija, vec zato sto nisam imao dovoljno mentalne snage.

E sada se vracam na onu pricu sa pocetka teksta. 'Talenti: Srbija vs Velika Britanija'. Videh na jednom sajtu da je decko odusevljen ovim video snimkom. Posle tog snimka, emocije su mi bile uzburkane. Onda se setih jos nekih snimaka sa Britanskog Idola koji su me ostavili bez teksta. Ali, meni nije cilj da izdvajam samo najbolje, i zato na www.youtube.com, ukucam kao kljucne reci 'Britains Got Talent'. Jedan od prvih rezultata je bio vec spomenuti video snimak. Evo jos nekih:
- Snimak 1,
- Snimak 2.

Neko ce reci da nisam fer i da izdvajam nase najlosije i njihove najbolje. Nisam ja izdvojio, vec mi (u stvari ne Mi, jer odbijam da se svrstam u tu grupu).
To je izbor koji izbacuje YouTube. Ne verujem da je (i) YouTube napravio zaveru protiv nas. Vec mislim da se rezultati dobijaju na osnovu visine ocena koje su davali ljudi koji su gledali te video snimke. Po tome, mi se ponosimo gore navedenim 'idolima' i 'zvezdama', a britanci Paul Pottsom, Connie pa i Susan Boyle.
Svaki dalji komentar je suvisan...


Often times I come into a situation that I have conflicting views with some people about the difference I (Serbia) - Europe. In addition to any fault of Western Europe, have a lot of things that are far ahead of us. Of course there are things where we have an advantage, but these people just do not want to admit that we are where we are, because of us.

Why do I write? We all know the funny clips from the show "Idol" and "Grand Stars. Are they just funny? To be honest, I think, most of the recordings are sadly. But this is just my opinion. Another obviously think differently.

Can that look a little different. For example, what is the goal of these programs? I guess it's an opportunity to some unknown future 'stars' to show what they know. And later to have the chance to record a few songs.

Like many things in this country, it's gone some odd way, so that what is remembered by those programs are 'pearls'. Yes, pearls. But what? As we read in one comment from YouTube: 'It is only with us. "Unfortunately.

In support of my assertions if it goes on www.youtube.com, typing the key words "Zvezde Granda", these are some of rezultatata on the first page:
- Clip 1
- Clip 2,
- Recording 3rd

And the key word "Serbian Idol" some of the results from the first page are:
- Clip 4
- Clip 5
- Snapshot sixth

Here I confess, I could not watch everything. Not because my Internet connection is slower these days, but because I did not have enough mental strength.

E is now back to one story from the beginning of the text. 'Talents: Serbia vs UK'. I saw one site that the boy thrilled by this video. After the recording, the emotions we have been troubled. Then I remembered some more clips from the British Idol who have left me speechless. But, I did not aim to point out only the best, and because of www.youtube.com, enter the keywords 'Britains Got Talent'. One of the first result was already mentioned video clip. Here are some:
- Clip 1
- Recording second

Some will say that I'm not fair to point out our worst and its best. I'm not singled out, but we (in fact we do not, because I refuse to be classified in that group).
It is a choice that eliminates YouTube. I do not believe that (i) YouTube made a conspiracy against us. But I think that the results obtained on the high rating given by people who watched the video clips. Accordingly, we are proud of the above 'idols' and 'stars', a British Paul Potts, and Connie and Susan Boyle.
Any further comment is superfluous ...