уторак, 30. март 2010.
среда, 24. март 2010.
понедељак, 22. март 2010.
Borac i Boracki krs - Borac karst - Part 1
Iako je blizu Kragujevca, nisam imao prilike da posetim ovo mesto. Zahvaljujuci Lemmy-ju, nasao sam jos jedno mesto koje moze biti zanimljivo onome ko mi dodje u goste.
Borac je selo u opstini Knic. 20km od Kragujevca.
"У Борчу се налазе: црква из 14. века, Борачки крш (занимљива стенска формација), остаци средњевековног Борачког града и гробље из 17. века. У селу је очуван велики број старих српских кућа (крај 19. - почетак 20. века), а у некима од њих се може добити смештај, јер се сељани баве сеоским туризмом.
"Borač - u srednjem veku je bio veliki grad u kome se trgovalo, radilo i dogovaralo. Ugostio je brojne vlasteline, careve i kraljeve, a mletački kartograf fra Mauro ga je ucrtao u mapu poznatih svetskih gradova. Nažalost, sem tragova istorije, malo je šta preživelo vekove"
Da ne bih previse davio, evo slika koje govore dovoljno.
Ako ste umorni od puta, ovde mozete popiti i pojesti.
Crkva iz 14. veka
Groblje iz 17. veka
Boracki krs
I za kraj, da nekoga obradujete pokloncicem
While the near Kragujevac, I had the opportunity to visit these place. Thanks Lemmy, found another place that may be interesting to anyone who we come to the guests.
Borac is a village in the municipality of Knic. 20km from Kragujevac.
"In Borac are: the Church from the 14th century, Borac crest (interesting rock formations), Borac remains of the medieval town and the cemetery from the 17th century. The village has preserved a large number of old Serbian houses (late 19th - early 20th century) , and in some of them can get housing, because the villagers involved in rural tourism.
"Borac - in the Middle Ages was a big city where traded, worked and arranged. Hosted many a lord, emperors and kings, and Venetian cartographer Fra Mauro, it is mapped to a map of world famous cities. Sorry, but the traces of history, it is which survived the centuries "
Do not like too much strangling, here are the images say enough.
If you are tired of the road, here you can drink and eat.
Church of the 14th century
Cemetery from the 17th century
Veterans krs
The end, someone cheer gift
Borac je selo u opstini Knic. 20km od Kragujevca.
"У Борчу се налазе: црква из 14. века, Борачки крш (занимљива стенска формација), остаци средњевековног Борачког града и гробље из 17. века. У селу је очуван велики број старих српских кућа (крај 19. - почетак 20. века), а у некима од њих се може добити смештај, јер се сељани баве сеоским туризмом.
"Borač - u srednjem veku je bio veliki grad u kome se trgovalo, radilo i dogovaralo. Ugostio je brojne vlasteline, careve i kraljeve, a mletački kartograf fra Mauro ga je ucrtao u mapu poznatih svetskih gradova. Nažalost, sem tragova istorije, malo je šta preživelo vekove"
Da ne bih previse davio, evo slika koje govore dovoljno.
Ako ste umorni od puta, ovde mozete popiti i pojesti.
Crkva iz 14. veka
Groblje iz 17. veka
Boracki krs
I za kraj, da nekoga obradujete pokloncicem
While the near Kragujevac, I had the opportunity to visit these place. Thanks Lemmy, found another place that may be interesting to anyone who we come to the guests.
Borac is a village in the municipality of Knic. 20km from Kragujevac.
"In Borac are: the Church from the 14th century, Borac crest (interesting rock formations), Borac remains of the medieval town and the cemetery from the 17th century. The village has preserved a large number of old Serbian houses (late 19th - early 20th century) , and in some of them can get housing, because the villagers involved in rural tourism.
"Borac - in the Middle Ages was a big city where traded, worked and arranged. Hosted many a lord, emperors and kings, and Venetian cartographer Fra Mauro, it is mapped to a map of world famous cities. Sorry, but the traces of history, it is which survived the centuries "
Do not like too much strangling, here are the images say enough.
If you are tired of the road, here you can drink and eat.
Church of the 14th century
Cemetery from the 17th century
Veterans krs
The end, someone cheer gift
четвртак, 18. март 2010.
петак, 5. март 2010.
Poskupljenje benzina... - Higher price of petrol
"Na osnovu redovne dvonedeljne korekcije cena koju pravi Ministarstvo rudarstva i energetike, u skladu sa rastom cene nafte na svetskom tržištu i kretanjem kursa dolara, gorivo će od srede poskupeti za..."
"Ministarstvo energetike Srbije navelo je da su se uslovi za poskupljenje goriva u Srbiji stekli pošto je od prethodne promene, cena nafte na svetskom tržištu povećana u proseku..."
"Cena goriva se usklađuju svakih 15 dana sa cenom sirove nafte na svetskom tržištu i kursom dolara."
"U skladu sa Uredbom o cenama derivata, Ministarstvo energetike napravilo je presek kretanja cena sirove nafte na svetskim berzama, kao i odnosa dinara i američkog dolara."
"Gorivo u Srbiji skuplje je nego bilo gde u regionu. Isto važi i za procenat koji u strukturi cene goriva ide državi kroz akcizu. Stopa iznosi nešto iznad 35 procenata, odnosno oko 36 dinara."
Ovo su samo neki delovi tekstova koji me uvek iznova iznerviraju i podsete me koliko je novac bitan. Obicno ne citam vesti ali kada cujem da ce benzin da poskupi, procitam koji je to razlog. I uvek isto.
Pokusao sam da ispratim faktore koji uticu na formiranje cene goriva kod nas, ali sam se brzo izgubio. Zato sam prikupio podatke za skoro 2.5 godine u nazad i to stavio u dijagram.
Ljubicasta linija predstavlja kretanje cene sirove nafte (cena je na levoj vertikalnoj osi).
Zuta linija predstavlja cenu benzina kod nas (vrednost je na desnoj vertikalnoj osi).
Plava linija predstavlja kretanje vrednosti eura (vrednosti nisu prikazane, vec je tu radi poredjenja).
Razumem da cena benzina kod nas mora da prati cenu nafte na svetskom trzistu, ali ovi nasi lopovi se toga strogo pridrzavaju kada treba cena benzina da se poveca. Ali kada treba da se cena smanji, srazmerno pojeftinjenju sirove nafte, onda bas i ne prate procentualno koliko bi zaista trebali. Deo povecanja cene ide na povecanje akciza. Na pocetku dijagrama, razlika izmedju zute i ljubicaste linije je dosta manja nego danas:
11/24/2007, barel je kostao 92.09 dolara, euro je bio 81.09 a benzin 88.98 dinara.
02/26/2010, barel je kostao 74.64 dolara, euro je bio 99.93 a benzin 111.09 dinara.
Da li su tu akcize, veci kurs evra, dolara, da li su ameri zaratili sa arapima, da li ovo, da li ono,...
NE ZANIMA ME!!! Ali zanima me to sto svaki odlazak na pumpu ostavlja rupu u dzepu.
PS: Eee na sta sam ja izgubio vreme :o. Odoh da gledam neki film. 'Ajd' zdravo.
"Based on the regular fortnightly price adjustments made by the Ministry of Mines and Energy, in accordance with the rise in oil prices on the world market and the dollar exchange rate movement, the fuel will rise in price for Wednesday's ..."
"Serbian Ministry of Energy stated that the conditions for the fuel price increase in Serbia have gained since the previous change, the price of oil on the world market increased on average ..."
"The price of fuel is adjusted every 15 days with the price of crude oil on the world market and the dollar exchange rate."
"In accordance with the Regulation on the prices of oil products, the Ministry of Energy has created a summary of price movements of crude oil on world stock exchanges, as well as relations dinars and American dollars."
"Fuel is more expensive in Serbia than anywhere else in the region. The same is true for the percentage of that in the structure of fuel prices going through the state excise tax. The rate is slightly above 35 percent, or about 36 dinars."
These are just some parts of the texts that always upset me and remind me how much money is important. Usually do not read news but when I hear that the petrol that expensive, I read that this is the reason. And always the same.
I tried to follow the factors that affect the pricing of fuel in this country, but I quickly lost. So I collected data for almost 2.5 years back and put in the diagram.
Purple line represents the movement of crude oil prices (the price is on the left vertical axis).
Yellow line represents the price of gasoline in this country (the value on the right vertical axis).
Blue line represents the movement of the value of euro (values not shown, but is there for comparison).
I understand that the price of gasoline in this country has to follow the price of oil on world markets, but these thieves is that our strictly adhere to when they need gasoline prices to increase. But when it comes to the price decrease, in proportion to cheaper crude oil, then just do not track the percentage of how much really should. Part of the increase in prices is going to increase excise taxes. At the beginning of the diagram, the difference between yellow and purple line is much smaller than today:
11/24/2007, barrel cost 92.09 dollars, the euro was 81.09 and 88.98 dinars petrol.
02/26/2010, the barrel had cost 74.64 dollars, the euro was 99.93 and diesel 111.09 dinars.
Is there excise tax, a higher rate euros, dollars, whether they are American went to war with the Arabs, do this, do that, ...
I do not care! But what interested me to go to each station leaves a hole in the pocket.
PS: Eee on what I have lost time: Fr I went to watch a movie. 'Ajd' hello.
"Ministarstvo energetike Srbije navelo je da su se uslovi za poskupljenje goriva u Srbiji stekli pošto je od prethodne promene, cena nafte na svetskom tržištu povećana u proseku..."
"Cena goriva se usklađuju svakih 15 dana sa cenom sirove nafte na svetskom tržištu i kursom dolara."
"U skladu sa Uredbom o cenama derivata, Ministarstvo energetike napravilo je presek kretanja cena sirove nafte na svetskim berzama, kao i odnosa dinara i američkog dolara."
"Gorivo u Srbiji skuplje je nego bilo gde u regionu. Isto važi i za procenat koji u strukturi cene goriva ide državi kroz akcizu. Stopa iznosi nešto iznad 35 procenata, odnosno oko 36 dinara."
Ovo su samo neki delovi tekstova koji me uvek iznova iznerviraju i podsete me koliko je novac bitan. Obicno ne citam vesti ali kada cujem da ce benzin da poskupi, procitam koji je to razlog. I uvek isto.
Pokusao sam da ispratim faktore koji uticu na formiranje cene goriva kod nas, ali sam se brzo izgubio. Zato sam prikupio podatke za skoro 2.5 godine u nazad i to stavio u dijagram.
Ljubicasta linija predstavlja kretanje cene sirove nafte (cena je na levoj vertikalnoj osi).
Zuta linija predstavlja cenu benzina kod nas (vrednost je na desnoj vertikalnoj osi).
Plava linija predstavlja kretanje vrednosti eura (vrednosti nisu prikazane, vec je tu radi poredjenja).
Razumem da cena benzina kod nas mora da prati cenu nafte na svetskom trzistu, ali ovi nasi lopovi se toga strogo pridrzavaju kada treba cena benzina da se poveca. Ali kada treba da se cena smanji, srazmerno pojeftinjenju sirove nafte, onda bas i ne prate procentualno koliko bi zaista trebali. Deo povecanja cene ide na povecanje akciza. Na pocetku dijagrama, razlika izmedju zute i ljubicaste linije je dosta manja nego danas:
11/24/2007, barel je kostao 92.09 dolara, euro je bio 81.09 a benzin 88.98 dinara.
02/26/2010, barel je kostao 74.64 dolara, euro je bio 99.93 a benzin 111.09 dinara.
Da li su tu akcize, veci kurs evra, dolara, da li su ameri zaratili sa arapima, da li ovo, da li ono,...
NE ZANIMA ME!!! Ali zanima me to sto svaki odlazak na pumpu ostavlja rupu u dzepu.
PS: Eee na sta sam ja izgubio vreme :o. Odoh da gledam neki film. 'Ajd' zdravo.
"Based on the regular fortnightly price adjustments made by the Ministry of Mines and Energy, in accordance with the rise in oil prices on the world market and the dollar exchange rate movement, the fuel will rise in price for Wednesday's ..."
"Serbian Ministry of Energy stated that the conditions for the fuel price increase in Serbia have gained since the previous change, the price of oil on the world market increased on average ..."
"The price of fuel is adjusted every 15 days with the price of crude oil on the world market and the dollar exchange rate."
"In accordance with the Regulation on the prices of oil products, the Ministry of Energy has created a summary of price movements of crude oil on world stock exchanges, as well as relations dinars and American dollars."
"Fuel is more expensive in Serbia than anywhere else in the region. The same is true for the percentage of that in the structure of fuel prices going through the state excise tax. The rate is slightly above 35 percent, or about 36 dinars."
These are just some parts of the texts that always upset me and remind me how much money is important. Usually do not read news but when I hear that the petrol that expensive, I read that this is the reason. And always the same.
I tried to follow the factors that affect the pricing of fuel in this country, but I quickly lost. So I collected data for almost 2.5 years back and put in the diagram.
Purple line represents the movement of crude oil prices (the price is on the left vertical axis).
Yellow line represents the price of gasoline in this country (the value on the right vertical axis).
Blue line represents the movement of the value of euro (values not shown, but is there for comparison).
I understand that the price of gasoline in this country has to follow the price of oil on world markets, but these thieves is that our strictly adhere to when they need gasoline prices to increase. But when it comes to the price decrease, in proportion to cheaper crude oil, then just do not track the percentage of how much really should. Part of the increase in prices is going to increase excise taxes. At the beginning of the diagram, the difference between yellow and purple line is much smaller than today:
11/24/2007, barrel cost 92.09 dollars, the euro was 81.09 and 88.98 dinars petrol.
02/26/2010, the barrel had cost 74.64 dollars, the euro was 99.93 and diesel 111.09 dinars.
Is there excise tax, a higher rate euros, dollars, whether they are American went to war with the Arabs, do this, do that, ...
I do not care! But what interested me to go to each station leaves a hole in the pocket.
PS: Eee on what I have lost time: Fr I went to watch a movie. 'Ajd' hello.
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