уторак, 5. фебруар 2008.

Rodenbach route

Rodenbach route je turisticka ruta koja vodi kroz Roeselare-a. Tacnije ona vodi pored najvaznijih znamenitosti vezanih za Albrechta Rodenbacha (a to vam je isto kao da kazem: pored znamenitosti vezanih za grad). Ovo je pesacka ruta. Oznacena je znakovima.

Postoji i turisticka ruta za automobile sa ciljem obilaska znamenitosti okoline i duga je 64 km. Inace ima vise nekih turistickih ruta (za pesacenje, voznju biciklom i autom) a sve sa ciljem da privuku turisti. Ja cu se zadrzati na ovoj manjoj, dugoj 4 km.
Meni je bilo dosadno da slikam sve znamenitosti oznacene na karti koju imam ispred sebe (a Vi je nemate hehe), pa cu samo redom nabrojati ono sto sam slikao, a nekom drugom prilikom cu postaviti i ostale fotografije.

Kako je bila nedelja i lepo vreme, verovatno neko resio da se proseta, ali ne peske...

Ovo je Statue Of Peegie. Postavljena je ispred Policije (mnogo su kulturni ovi belgijski pretorijanci). Postavljena je 1982. Postoji neka lokalna prica o tome ali uglavnom, predstavlja nekog lika Pigija koji pokusava da proda "poslednju" kutiju sjaja za cipele. E simpaticno je to sto on u dzepovima krije jos dve takve. Ovako su opisali pomalo prevrtljiv smisao za trgovinu lokalnog stanovnistva. Kada su neke specijalne prilike, oblace Pigija u odelo.

1634. godine je izgradjena kapela, manastir i skola. Od vremena Napoleona, tamo je bila smestena Episkopija. Renoviraju je u XIX veku.

Saint Michael's Church se nalazi na jednom malom trgu. Jedina crkva u parohiji do druge polovine XIX veka. Ne zna se tacno kada je napravljena ali se zna da je pozar u gradu 1488. godine, ozbiljno ostetio crkvu. Tako da je rekonstruisana izmedju 1497. i 1504. i to u Gotskom stilu he. Tada su i izgradjene 4 male kule a 1735. toranj je zamenjen zvonikom. Na zalost, nisam ulazio u unutrasnjost crkve ali kazu da ima dosta umetnickih dela koje treba videti. Ima najvece orgulje u Zapadnoj Flandriji. Zvonik ima 49 zvona.

Chapel and Convent of Our lady Of Angels "Arme Klaren" Sisters. Duzi naziv slike nego pisanje. Manastir sagradjen sredinom XIX veka.

Gradsko groblje. Pa nije bas celo kao sto vidite na ovoj slici. Ovo je mesto gde su sahranjeni vojnici, koji su dali svoj zivot za oslobodjenje od okupatora, oktobra 1918.

Ostatak groblja izgleda ovako nekako. Moram da priznam da me neka jeza isla niz kicmu dok sam prolazio tuda. Dan suncan, ali vetar nekako cudno zvuci dok duva kroz krosnje drveca na tom groblju. Ko zna... Mozda zato jer su tu posadjene neke retke vrste drveca. Ozbiljno. A i priznajem, mnogo je lepse sredjeno ovo nego ono u mom selu.

A ovo ovde je porodicna grobnica Rodenbach, gde je sahranjen i Albrecht Rodenbach.

Evo i Saint Amand's Church. Ispred nje je spomenik Rodenbachu. O tome je bilo reci.

Alfons Blomme Museum, mesto gde se odrzavaju izlozbe. Nalazi se u glavnoj ulici. Inace, uvek je otvoreno i stalno ima nekih izlozba.

Toliko. Hvala na paznji...

Rodenbach route is a tourist route that leads through a Roeselare. More specifically it leads next to the most important monuments related to Albrecht Rodenbach (which you like to say in addition to sites related to the town). This is a pedestrian routes. Indicated by signs.

There is a tourist route for vehicles in order to visit surrounding attractions and is 64 km long. Otherwise there are some more tourist route (for walking, cycling and car) and all with a view to attract tourists. I will keep on the smaller, 4 km long.
Me it was boring to paint all the sights marked on maps that I have in front of you (and you do not have one hehe), so I'll just order list what I painted, and later I'll put the other photos.

As the weeks and had a nice time, probably someone decided to walk, not walk ...

This is the Statue Of Peegie. Placed in front of the police (many of these are cultural Belgian praetorians). Set in 1982. There is a local story about this, but mainly represents an Pigija character who is trying to sell the "last" shoe shine box. E simpaticno is that he is hiding in the pockets of two more such. Thus they describe Shifty little sense to trade the local population. When some special occasions, dress Pigija the suit.

1634th The chapel was built, the monastery and school. From the time of Napoleon, there was a diocese located. Renovated in the nineteenth century.

Church Saint Michael's is located on a small square. The only church in the parish to the other half of the nineteenth century. It is not known exactly when but it was made known to the fire in the city 1488th The seriously damaged the church. So it was reconstructed between the 1497th and 1504th and in the Gothic style he. Then they built four small towers and 1735th tower was replaced by a bell tower. Unfortunately, I went into the interior of churches, but say there are plenty of works of art to be seen. It has the largest organ in the West Flanders. The bell tower has 49 bells.

Chapel and Convent of Our Lady of Angels "Armee Klaren" Sisters. Name longer than writing. Monastery built in the mid-nineteenth century.

City cemetery. And not just all like to see this picture. This is the place where they buried the soldiers who gave their lives for liberation from invaders, October 1918th

The rest of the cemetery looks something like this. I must admit that I went a shiver down the spine when I passed that way. Sunny day, but the wind sort of strange sounds while blowing through the foliage of trees in the cemetery. Who knows ... Perhaps because there are some rare species planted trees. Seriously. And I admit, a lot is nicer than what sredjen this in my village.

And this here is the Rodenbach family tomb, where he was buried, and Albrecht Rodenbach.

Here's Saint Amand's Church. It is a monument in front of Rodenbach. That's what was the word.

Alfons Blomme Museum, where exhibitions are held. It is located on Main Street. Otherwise, it is always open and always there are some times.

So. Thank you for your attention ...

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