субота, 23. фебруар 2008.

Zvone Seruga

Ko? Hmm. Covek koji vise od trideset godina putuje. I to posecuje mesta pored kojih vecina nas obicnih smrtnika nece ni proci. Fotograf, novinar, pisac, avanturista... Mozda ga ova poslednja rec najbolje opisuje. Informacije o njemu, njegovim putovanjima,knjigama i fotografije mozete naci na Zvone Seruga. Na zalost, sajt je na slovenackom. Ako odete na stranicu potovanja, videcete neke destinacije koje je posetio. Ako neku destinaciju odaberete, pored plana i opisa, na dnu strane postoji link "vec fotografij" (valjda znaci 'vise fotografija'). Odlicna prilika da se vidi zivot van civilizacije.
Evo i par skeniranih strana o njemu iz casopisa Auto magazin, izdanje od pre vise od 25 godina:

A evo i par fotografija preuzetih sa njegovog sajta.

Who? Hmm. The man who more than thirty years of travel. And besides visiting places which most of us ordinary mortals will not get away. Photographer, journalist, writer, adventurer ... Maybe it the last word best describes it. Information about him, his travels, books and photos can be found at Zvone Serug. Unfortunately, the site is in Slovenian. If you go to the page potovanja, you will see a destination that is visited. If you choose a destination, in addition to the plan and description, at the bottom there is a link "but photographs" (probably means 'more photos'). Excellent opportunity to see life outside of civilization.
Here are a few scanned pages from the magazine on his car magazine, published since more than 25 years:

But here are a couple of photos downloaded from his site.

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