недеља, 24. фебруар 2008.

SKC Kragujevac

Studenski Kulturni Centar Kragujevac.

Sa sajta SKC:

"Nastao iz amaterske delatnosti na Univerzitetu Akud ”Svetozar Marković” koji egzistira u sklopu SKC-a, razvija tradiciju autentičnog narodnog melosa svih krajeva sadašnje Jugoslavije. Folklorni ansambl, orkestar i pevačka grupa (muška vokalna grupa “SKC” i ženska vokalna grupa “Studenac”) postigli su mnogobrojne uspehe na ovdašnjoj i medjunarodnoj sceni. Iza Akuda su medjunarodne smotre i turneje, a trenutno traje konkurs za popunjavanje svih ansabala novim članovima.

Mladi talentovani pisci okupljaju se Književnom klubu SKC-a...

U sklopu izdavačke delatnosti SKC u okviru edicije “Prvenac” objavljuje radove mladih neafirmisanih, talentovanih pisaca .

...Ponedeljak je rezervisan za filmske projekcije, petkom se održava filmska i pozorišna radionica.

Galerija SKC-a rezervisana je za mlade i perspektivne umetnike...

Art Cafe galerija SKC-a predstavlja mesto gde se jednomesečno postavljaju izložbe domaćih i stranih afirmisanih umetnika iz oblasti slikarstva, fotografije, karikature...

...Informacioni centar koji nudi usluge Internet centra, kurseva engleskog jezika i informatike i besplatne usluge medijateke koja poseduje preko 2000 naslova strane stručne literature, beletristike, enciklopedija, rečnika, multimedijalnih diskova i časopisa i sve to na engleskom, španskom, francuskom i nemačkom jeziku."

Eto malo stvari o njima. A kako sam ja nekoliko godina bio clan AKUD-a Svetozar Markovic, zasluzuju da ih spomenem. Zaista lepe trenutke sam proveo sa njima. Pocevsi od obicnih proba pa do koncerata i turneja. Kada se setim, predivan osecaj kada ste na sceni. A na kraju nastupa, poklonite se publici i osmehujete se ispunjeni zadovoljstvom, ponosom i srecom a oni vam na sve to uzvrate aplauzom. Wow. Predivno. Ne moze da se opise recima.

Bice slika sa turneja. A sada evo dve slike iz galerije sajta SKC (prva slika, jupi!)

Student Cultural Center in Kragujevac.

From their site:

"It originated from an amateur activity at the University " Svetozar Markovic "that exists within the SKC, the development of an authentic folk tradition all over the current Yugoslavia. Folklore ensemble, band and vocal group (male vocal group" SKC "and female vocal group," a well ") scored many successes on the local and international scene. After the AA international festivals and tours, and currently runs a competition to fill all ansabala new members.

Talented young writers gather the Literary Club SKC ...

As part of the publishing activities of SCC in the edition "firstborn" neafirmisanih published works of young, talented writers.

... Monday is reserved for film screenings, will be held on Friday film and theater workshops.

SKC gallery reserved for the young and promising artists ...

Cafe Art Gallery of SKC is the place where the month set exhibitions of local and international renowned artists in the field of painting, photography, cartoons ...

... Information center that offers Internet service center, English language courses and information and free services to libraries that have over 2000 titles of the professional literature, fiction, encyclopedias, dictionaries, multimedia CD-ROMs and magazines and all this in English, Spanish, French and German language.

That's the little things about them. And since I am a few years was a member of AA-and Svetozar Markovic, deserve to mention. Truly a beautiful moments I spent with them. Starting from simple test to the concerts and tours. When I think, a wonderful feeling when you are on the scene. And at the end of the performance, give the audience and smiles are filled with pleasure, pride and joy and they all you to repay applause. Wow. Beautiful. Can not be described by words.

There will be pictures from tour. And now here are two pictures from the gallery site SKC (first picture, : D)

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