понедељак, 14. децембар 2009.

Gume za motor... - Tyres for Bike...


Doslo vreme da se menjaju.
Da li kupiti nove, da li kupiti polovne, da li uzeti prednju novu a zadnju polovnu ili obratno???
Odgovor na ova pitanja ne znam. Kazu najbolje je kupiti nove. Ta odluka je na Vama.

Ovde cu (pokusati) da dam neke druge odgovore.

Ako vam gume ne “drze” kako treba, ako se sara samo nazire, ili Vam je neko vec rekao da su vam gume lose, izgleda da Vam trebaju nove gume. Imate varijantu da nadjete par brojeva telefona prodavaca i kazete da imate taj motor, to godiste i oni ce vam reci da li imaju gume za Vas motor. Odete do njih, date novac pa kod majstora da Vam stavi nove gume i u Voznju.
(Ovo gore za saru sam se zezao. Zakonom je definisana minimalna dubina sare na gumi. Ako je sara plica nego sto Zakon kaze, auuu.)

Ali kako smo mi motoristi malo dosadni, mi hocemo da znamo na sta se oslanjamo u voznji i hocemo da imamo poverenja u gume a ne da tamo neka Daca odlucuje da li ce da mi proda neku gumu koja je za touring ili ako to nema, onda ce dati sta ima Cheesy, samo da uzme kintu.

Ali da nas Daca ne bi zeznula i da bi smo se pokazali da sve znamo, evo nekih stvari koje bi trabalo znati da bi Dacu zadivili nasim znanjem.

Odete na neki od sledecih sajtova proizvodjaca guma za motore:

Continental tyre selection

Bridgestone tyre selection

Dunlop tyre selection

Michelin tyre selection

Izaberite proizvodjaca, model Vaseg motora i eto sta Vama treba. Mozete da pretrazite i po dimanzijama ako vec znate.

Saznali ste dimenzije.

Na prethpdnoj slici oznaka 130/90-16 73H znaci:
130 – sirina gume u milimetrima
90 – visina gume u procentima od sirine (90% od 130mm visine je 117mm)
16 – velicina tocka u colima
73 – indeks opterecenja (sledeca slika) 805 lb=365 kg (1 lb=0.45 kg) guma ne sme biti opterecena preko ove vrednosti.
H – simbol maksimalne dozvoljene brzine 130 MPH=210 km/h (1 MPH=1.61 km/h)

Aha. Vecina motora koristi gume koje nemaju unutrasnju gumu. Oznaka za te gume je TL – TubeLess. Ako na Vas motor idu i spoljasnja i unutrasnja guma, oznaka na spoljasnjoj gume ce umesto TL biti TT – TubeType. Onda Vam mozda moze koristiti sledeca tabela:

Na nekim od pomenutih linkova, pitace Vas kakav je Vas stil voznje. Ako vozite kao penzioner, onda Vam trebaju gume koje se brzo greju a ako volite krivine i ostru voznju, onda su za Vas druge gume. Dvokomponentne, trokomponentne, ili sta ti ja znam vec. O tim detaljima pitajte nekog drugog. Ali ovi detalji su mozda i najbitniji.

Odlucili ste koji cete model. Na primer ovako nesto Grin


Sto se mene tice, najverovatnije moj sledeci izbor ce biti Continental ContiSport Atack.

Kada odete da kupite gume, obratite paznju na godiste gume. Kazu da guma ne treba biti starija od tri godine jer posle tog vremena se njene karakteristike pogorsavaju.

Da biste utvrdili koliko je stara Vasa guma, dovoljno je da pogledate na nju i nadjete oznaku koja pocinje sa DOT, pa idu neke oznake nemam-pojma-sta-znace i onda ono sta je bitno, zadnje cetiri cifre predstavljaju broj nedelje i godinu proizvodnje. U ovom slucaju pise DOT blablabla 3605. Znaci da je ova guma proizvedena u 36. nedelji (otprilike septembar) 2005. godine. Jednostavno zar ne?

Ako je sve ovo u redu, sledi montaza. Izmedju ostalog treba obratiti paznju smer. Pravilan smer je definisan strelicom na samoj gumi.

Naravno, ako je neka guma predvidjena da bude napred, ne sme da se montira na zadnji tocak. Na gumi pise Rear - zadnja, Front - prednja.

Sledeca stvar je pritisak u gumama. Proizvodjac guma (i motora) definise pritisak na koji treba da su gume napumpane. Ta vrednost pise na gumama. Za moju Hondu CBR600f, zadnja se pumpa na 2,9 a prednja na 2,5 bara. Ako u gumi nije preporuceni pritisak, radni vek joj se skracuje, ne prijanja dobro za podlogu,... Osim ako necete da vozite na jednom tocku. Onda vaze druga pravila...
Na slici je vrednost u PSI - 42 PSI= 2.9 bar (10 PSI= 0,69 bar).

Nadam se da sam bar malo razjasnio neke stvari onima koji su imali slicna pitanja a nisu hteli da pitaju...

Sada ste spremni za:

I ne zaboravite da na kraju trazite broj telefona od Dace.

PS: Tekst se takodje nalazi na forumu www.motorri.com


Tires ...

It is time to change.
Do you buy new, if you buy used, do you take a new front and rear second-hand or vice versa?
The answer to these questions do not know. They say it is best to buy new ones. The decision is yours.

Here I will (try) to give other answers.

If your tires do not "hold" well, if they cooperate only in sight, or you are someone already said that the tires you lose, it seems that you need new tires. You have a variety to find a couple of phone numbers of vendors and say that you have the engine, that age and they will tell you if they have tires for your engine. Go to them, given the money and the masters that you put new tires and ride.
(This is up to Sarah I was playing. The law defined a minimum depth of rubber. If the co shallower than the law says, awww.)

But as we motorcyclists little boring, we want to know what we rely on the ride and we want to have confidence in the tires and not there some Daca decide whether to sell me a tire that is touring, or if it does, then will give what is Smiley, just to take Bob.

But let us not Daca cheat and to show that we all know, here are some things you ought to know that I'll give impressed our knowledge.

Go to any of the following tire manufacturer websites for the engines:

Continental tire selection

Bridgestone tire selection

Dunlop tire selection

Michelin tire selection

Select the manufacturer, model of your engine and that's what you need. You can Search and dimensions if you already know.

You know the dimensions.

For prethpdnoj figure mark 130/90-16 73H signs:
130 - tire width in millimeters
90 - amount of rubber as a percentage of the width (90% of 130mm height is 117mm)
16 - size of the diameter of Colima
73 - load index (next picture) 805 lb = 365 kg (1 lb = 0.45 kg) rubber should not be burdened by this value.
H - the symbol of a maximum speed of 130 MPH = 210 km / h (1 MPH = 1.61 km / h)

Yeah. Most engines used tires that have inner tire. The label for these tires is the TL - tubeless. If the motor you are going and outer and inner tube, the label on the outside tires will instead be TL TT - TubeType. Then maybe you can use the following table:

In some of these links, it asks you what is your style of driving. If you drive like a pensioner, then you need tires that are rapidly heated and if you like curves and a sharp drive, then you have the other tires. Two-component, trokomponentne, or what I know you already. On these details ask someone else. But these details are perhaps the most important.

You decided that you model. For example something like this:

As for me, probably my next choice will be Continental ContiSport ATTACK.

When you go to buy tires, pay attention to the year of rubber. They say that the tires should not be older than three years after that time because its characteristics are deteriorating.

To determine how old Your tires, just look at it and find a label that begins with the DOT, and some labels do not have go-term-what-what you mean and what is important, the last four digits are the week number and year of manufacture . In this case, the DOT wrote blablabla 3605th Means that the tires produced the 36th week (about September) 2005. year. Just do not

If all of this right, followed by assembly. Among other things you need to pay attention to direction. The correct direction is defined by an arrow on the tire.

Of course, if a tire to be provided in front, must not be mounted on the rear wheel. At the rear tire writes - rear, front - front.

Next thing is the tire pressure. Manufacturer of rubber (and engine) defines the pressure on the tires should be inflated. The value written on the tires. CBR600f for my Honda, the last station on the front 2.9 to 2.5 bar. If the tire is not the recommended pressure, the life of her cuts, not adherent to the substrate well, ... Except you will not drive on one wheel. Then apply other rules ...
The figure shows the value of PSI - 42 PSI = 2.9 bar (10 psi = 0.69 bar).

I hope I have at least a little to clarify some things for those who have had similar issues and did not want to ask ...

Now you're ready for fun!

And do not forget that at the end looking for a phone number from Dace.

PS: The text is also on the forum www.motorri.com

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