уторак, 22. децембар 2009.

Misli o uspehu - Think about Success

I – Verujte da će te uspeti i uspećete
  1. Mislite na uspeh, a ne na poraz. Zamenite misli o porazu mislima o uspehu. Pomislite: pobediću; a ne: možda ću izgubiti; ravan sam najboljem; a ne: ja sam loš. Kada se ukaže prilika, pomislite: ja to mogu, a nikada: ja to nemogu. Neka vaša glavna misao bude: JA ĆU POBEDITI!!!
  2. Podsećajte sebe da ste bolji nego što mislite da jeste. Nikada, baš nikada se ne prodajte jeftino.
  3. Imajte visoke ciljeve. Mislite li na male ciljeve, očekujte skromne rezultate. Mislite na velike ciljeve i postignućete veliki uspeh. Velike ideje i veliki planovi su obično lakši, bar ne teži, nego male ideje i mali planovi.

II – Izlečite sebe od bolesti izgovora, bolesti gubitnika
  1. Prihvatite zakon uzroka i posledice. Pogledajte šta se dešava sa nekim ko je ''imao puno sreće''. Shvatiće te da se tu ne radi o sreći nego o pripremama, planiranju i razmišljanju koje proizvodi uspeh.
  2. Ne budite osoba koja želi. Ne trošite mentalnu snagu na snove o nekom uspehu bez uloženog truda. Uspeh dolazi radeći one stvari koje donose uspeh. Ne računajte na sreću kada razmišljete o pobedama, napredovanju, dobrim stvarima u životu. Umesto toga, koncentrišite se na ravijanje onih kvaliteta u sebi koji će vas načiniti pobednikom.

III – Izgradite samopouzdanje i uništite strah
  1. Akcija leći strah. Osustvo akcije (ne uraditi ništa u datoj situaciji), pojačava strah i uništava samopouzdanje.
  2. Učinite što veći napor da mislite samo na pozitivne misli. Odbijte da se sećate neprijatnih događaja i situacija.
  3. Ljudi imaju mnogo više sličnosti nego razlika. Steknite umeren stav prema drugoj osobi. Ta osoba samo još jedno ljudsko biće. Mnogi ljudi će 'režati', ali su retki oni koji ujedaju.
  4. Vežbajte da činite ono što vam nalaže vaša savest. Ovo sprečava da se razvija kompleks krivice. Raditi ispravne stvari je jedno od pravila uspeha.
  5. Neka sve što radite ima pruku: ''Ja imam puno samopouzdanja''. Vežbajte ovo:
  • Sedite sao u prvim redovima,
  • Gledajte ljude u oči,
  • Hodajte 25% brže,
  • Govorite i
  • Imajte širok osmeh.

IV – Kako kreirati velike misli

  1. Nemojte se prodati za sitne pare. Pobedite samopotcenjivanje. Koncentrišite se na svoje vrline. Bolji ste nego što mislite da jeste.
  2. Koristite rečnik velikih ljudi. Koristite velike, vedre i vesele reči. Koristite reči koje obećavaju pobedu, nadu, sreću.
  3. Proširite svoje vidike. Vidite i ono što može biti a ne samo ono što je sada. Dodajte vrednosti sebi, drugima, stvarima.
  4. Neka vaše misli budu iznad beznačajnosti. Obratite pažnju na velike ciljeve. Pre nego što se upetljate u sitnice, upitajte sebe: ''Da li je to zaista važno?''.

V – Kako misliti i sanjati kreativno
  1. Verujte da to može biti učinjeno. Verovanje u rešenje otvara put ka rešenju.
  2. Prihvatajte nove ideje. Isprobajte nove pristupe. Budite napredni u svemu što radite.
  3. Pitajte se svakodnevno:''Kako mogu da radim još bolje?''. Jasan odgovor će sam doći.
  4. ''Kako mogu da zaradim više?''. Sposobnost je stanje uma. Uspešna kombinacija u poslu je: Čini bolje ono što činiš i čini više nego što činiš.
  5. Vežbajte pitanje i slušanje. Pitajte i slušajte i dobiće te sirovi materijal za donošenje dobrih odluka. Veliki ljudi ovladavaju slušanjem, mali ljudi pričanjem.
  6. Proširite svoj um. Družite se sa ljudima koji vam mogu biti od pomoći u smišljanju novih ideja, novih načina da se rade stvari. Pomešajte se sa različitim ljudima.

VI – Vi ste ono što mislite da jeste
  1. Izgledajte važno, to pomaže da mislite važno. Vaš izgled utiče na vas, podiže vam moral i samopouzdanje. Vaš izgled utiče i na druge. Neka šalje poruku:''Ovde je jedna važna osoba''.
  2. Mislite o svom poslu kao važnom.
  3. Podsećajte sebe u svakoj prilici da ste prvoklasna osoba.
  4. U životnim situacijama svih vrsta, upitajte sebe: ''Da li na ovaj način razmišlja važna osoba?''.

VII – Upravljajte svojom okolinom; idite prvom klasom

  1. Budite svesni svog okruženja. Kao što vam dijeta oblikuje telo, tako dijeta uma oblikuje um.
  2. Ne dopustite negativnim ljudima tipa: ti-to-nemožeš-učiniti da vas teraju da mislite o porazu.
  3. Nedajte malim, ljudima da vas vuku nazad. Ljubomorni ljudi vas žele videti na dnu. Nedajte im to zadovoljstvo.Tražite savete od uspešnih ljudi. Vaša budućnost je važna. Ne rizikujte sa 'savetnicima' koji su rođeni kao gubitnici.
  4. Krećite se u novim grupama.
  5. Otkrijte nove i podsticajne stvari.
  6. Izbegavajte spletkarenje. Pričajte o ljudima ali ostanite na njihovoj pozitivnoj strani.
  7. Sve što koristite neka bude prvoklasno. Ne smete drugačije. NISAM DOVOLJNO BOGAT DA KUPUJEM JEFTINE STVARI!!!


I - Believe that you will succeed and will succeed

1st Think success, not defeat. Replace thoughts of defeat thoughts about success. You think will win, and not: I may lose, even I am the best, not that I am bad. When the point chances, you think, I may never: I impossible. Make your main thought is: I will win!
2nd Podsećajte yourself that you are better than you think it is. Never, just never sell cheap.
3rd Keep high goals. Do you think small goals, expect modest results. Think big goals and achievement of great success. Big ideas and big plans are often easier, not harder, than small ideas and small plans.

II - heal itself from illness excuses, disease losers

1st Accept the law of cause and effect. See what happens to someone who has had''good luck''. You realize that this does not work on happiness than on the preparation, planning and thinking that produced success.
2nd Do not be a person who wants it. Do not waste mental power on the dreams of a success without effort. Success comes by working those things that bring success. Do not count on luck when you think about the victories, progress, good things in life. Instead, focus on quality ravijanje those inside that will make you the winner.

III - Build confidence and destroy fear

1st Action hatch fear. No action (do not do anything in a given situation), reinforces the fear and destroys confidence.
2nd Make as much effort to think only positive thoughts. Refuse to remember unpleasant events and situations.
3rd People have many more similarities than differences. Make a moderate attitude towards another person. This person only one human being. Many people will 'cut', but the rare ones who bite.
4th Practice to do what your conscience tells you. This prevents the development of guilt complex. Do the right thing is one of the rules of success.
5th Let everything you do has pruku:''I have full confidence''. Practice this:

Sao * Sit in the front line,
* Look people in the eye
* Walk 25% faster
* Speak and
* Keep a wide smile.

IV - How to create a great thought

1st Do not be sold for small money. Dont misjudge yourself. Focus on your strengths. Better you than you think it is.
2nd Use a dictionary of great people. Use a large, bright and cheerful words. Use words that promise victory, hope, happiness.
3rd Expand your horizons. See what can be and not just what it is now. Add the value themselves, others and property.
4th Let your thoughts be above irrelevance. Pay attention to the great goals. Before upetljate in Sitnica, ask yourself:''Is it really important?''.

V - How to think and dream creatively

1st Believe that this can be done. Belief in the decision opens the way to a solution.
2nd Accept new ideas. Try new approaches. Be advanced in everything you do.
3rd Ask every day:''How can I do better?''. I have a clear answer will come.
4th ''How can I earn more?''. The ability of a state of mind. The successful combination of business is: It seems that you are doing it better and makes more than you do.
5th Practice questions and listening. Ask and listen and you will receive the raw materials for making good decisions. Great people ovladavaju listening, little people talking.
6th Expand your mind. Hang out with people who can be helpful in devising new ideas, new ways of doing things. Mix with different people.

VI - You are what you think it is

1st Look important, it helps to feel important. Your appearance affects you, raise your morale and confidence. Your appearance affects the other. Some send a message:''There is one important person''.
2nd Think about your job as important.
3rd Remember yourself in every situation that you are a first-class person.
4th In situations of all kinds, ask yourself:''Do you think this way an important person?''.

VII - Manage your environment, go first class

1st Be aware of your surroundings. As you diet body shape, and diet of the mind shapes the mind.
2nd Do not let negative people such as: I-to-do-you can not force you to think about failure.
3rd Dont allow small people pulling you back. Jealous of people you want to see at the bottom. Nedajte them to zadovoljstvo.Ask advice from successful people. Your future is important. No rizikujte with 'advisors' who are born as losers.
4th Navigate to the new groups.
5th Discover new and inspiring things.
6th Avoid machinations. Talk about the people but their stay on the positive side.
7th All that use shall be first class. You may not otherwise. I am NOT rich enough to buy CHEAP THINGS!

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