недеља, 27. децембар 2009.

Последње писмо Драже Михаиловића - The last letter of Draza Mihailovic

Последње писмо Драже Михаиловића

2. фебруар 1946

Ни под којим условима нећу напустити своју Отаџбину и свој народ. Своју земљу не можете понети на ђоновима ципела, како је рекао Дантон када су му предлагали да напусти Француску. Једино што данас могу да учиним је - да поновим ове речи. Јер ја нисам Јосип Броз Тито који нема ничег заједничког ни са овом земљом нити са овим народом, па да могу да побегнем...
Тамо код вас у Швајцарској имате довољно мојих официра и војника који су напустили земљу и, са мојом дозволом. Ви такође имате и велики број некадашњих ратних заробљеника и депортираца, који данас представљају живе сведоке неправде која се спроводи над нашом нацијом. Међутим, сједињени духом, не пропустите ниједну прилику, а да нашу патњу не покажете онима око вас, тако да читав цивилизован свет сазна праведност наше борбе. Понављам, моје место је овде, у мојој земљи, са мојим народом, да бих тако умањио њихову патњу, и да бих их охрабрио у њиховом веровању у спасење, које ће ипак доћи.
Увек сам говорио да ће савезници једнога дана схватити какву су грешку направили, дајући Југославију у руке Тита и његових терористичких комуниста.
...Комунисти су сконцентрисали све своје напоре да мене ухвате. Мобилисали су све своје сервилне послушнике: Бугаре, Албанце, Италијане и друге комунисте - који су сви сједињени у својој решености да мене ликвидирају. У овом подухвату совјетски специјалисти су такође бројни.
Ви знате моју стратегијску намеру, да се одржим по сваку цену за велики задатак који је пред нама. Можда ћу пасти за наш свети циљ. Ви знате да ће тиме пасти и праведна борба наше нације. Јер ја једино чиним што је воља народа - због тога сам и почео борбу против окупаторских снага, а доцније и против комуниста... Не сумњам ни за тренутак, Зора слободе са Равне Горе заблистаће над нашом паћеничком Отаџбином. *

* (Писмо је објављено јула 1946. године у Њујорку, од стране Комитета за поштено суђење Дражи Михаиловићу. Само неколико дана после тога, Михаиловић је ликвидиран у Београду)


The last letter of Draza Mihailović

2nd February 1946

Under no circumstances I will not leave his homeland and his people. Their country can not take the soles of shoes, he said Danton when he proposed to leave France. The only thing I can do now is - to repeat these words. Because I'm Josip Broz Tito who has nothing in common either with the ground or with these people, so they can get away ...
There with you in Switzerland you have enough of my officers and soldiers who have left the country and, with my permission. You also have a large number of former prisoners of war and deportiraca, who today are living witnesses to injustices carried out against our nation. However, the united spirit, do not miss any opportunity, and that our suffering does not show those around you, so that the entire civilized world may know the righteousness of our struggle. Once again, my place is here, in my country, my people, that would also reduce their suffering, and I would encourage them in their belief in salvation, which is still to come.
I have always said that the allies one day realize what a mistake they made, giving Yugoslavia in the hands of Tito and his communist terrorist.
... Communists have concentrated all their efforts to catch me. Mobilized all their servile followers: Bulgarians, Albanians, Italians and other communists - who are all united in their determination to liquidate me. In this enterprise, the Soviet specialists are also numerous.
You know my strategy intended to maintain at any cost for a task that is before us. I might go to our sacred goal. You know that time will fall and just struggle of our nation. Because I only do the will of the people - because I started fighting against the occupying forces and later against the Communists ... I do not doubt for a moment, Zora freedom with Straight Up zablistaće paćeničkom of our Motherland. *

* (The letter was published in July 1946. New York, by the Committee for a fair trial Draza Mihailovic. Only a few days later, Mihailovic was executed in Belgrade)

уторак, 22. децембар 2009.

Misli o uspehu - Think about Success

I – Verujte da će te uspeti i uspećete
  1. Mislite na uspeh, a ne na poraz. Zamenite misli o porazu mislima o uspehu. Pomislite: pobediću; a ne: možda ću izgubiti; ravan sam najboljem; a ne: ja sam loš. Kada se ukaže prilika, pomislite: ja to mogu, a nikada: ja to nemogu. Neka vaša glavna misao bude: JA ĆU POBEDITI!!!
  2. Podsećajte sebe da ste bolji nego što mislite da jeste. Nikada, baš nikada se ne prodajte jeftino.
  3. Imajte visoke ciljeve. Mislite li na male ciljeve, očekujte skromne rezultate. Mislite na velike ciljeve i postignućete veliki uspeh. Velike ideje i veliki planovi su obično lakši, bar ne teži, nego male ideje i mali planovi.

II – Izlečite sebe od bolesti izgovora, bolesti gubitnika
  1. Prihvatite zakon uzroka i posledice. Pogledajte šta se dešava sa nekim ko je ''imao puno sreće''. Shvatiće te da se tu ne radi o sreći nego o pripremama, planiranju i razmišljanju koje proizvodi uspeh.
  2. Ne budite osoba koja želi. Ne trošite mentalnu snagu na snove o nekom uspehu bez uloženog truda. Uspeh dolazi radeći one stvari koje donose uspeh. Ne računajte na sreću kada razmišljete o pobedama, napredovanju, dobrim stvarima u životu. Umesto toga, koncentrišite se na ravijanje onih kvaliteta u sebi koji će vas načiniti pobednikom.

III – Izgradite samopouzdanje i uništite strah
  1. Akcija leći strah. Osustvo akcije (ne uraditi ništa u datoj situaciji), pojačava strah i uništava samopouzdanje.
  2. Učinite što veći napor da mislite samo na pozitivne misli. Odbijte da se sećate neprijatnih događaja i situacija.
  3. Ljudi imaju mnogo više sličnosti nego razlika. Steknite umeren stav prema drugoj osobi. Ta osoba samo još jedno ljudsko biće. Mnogi ljudi će 'režati', ali su retki oni koji ujedaju.
  4. Vežbajte da činite ono što vam nalaže vaša savest. Ovo sprečava da se razvija kompleks krivice. Raditi ispravne stvari je jedno od pravila uspeha.
  5. Neka sve što radite ima pruku: ''Ja imam puno samopouzdanja''. Vežbajte ovo:
  • Sedite sao u prvim redovima,
  • Gledajte ljude u oči,
  • Hodajte 25% brže,
  • Govorite i
  • Imajte širok osmeh.

IV – Kako kreirati velike misli

  1. Nemojte se prodati za sitne pare. Pobedite samopotcenjivanje. Koncentrišite se na svoje vrline. Bolji ste nego što mislite da jeste.
  2. Koristite rečnik velikih ljudi. Koristite velike, vedre i vesele reči. Koristite reči koje obećavaju pobedu, nadu, sreću.
  3. Proširite svoje vidike. Vidite i ono što može biti a ne samo ono što je sada. Dodajte vrednosti sebi, drugima, stvarima.
  4. Neka vaše misli budu iznad beznačajnosti. Obratite pažnju na velike ciljeve. Pre nego što se upetljate u sitnice, upitajte sebe: ''Da li je to zaista važno?''.

V – Kako misliti i sanjati kreativno
  1. Verujte da to može biti učinjeno. Verovanje u rešenje otvara put ka rešenju.
  2. Prihvatajte nove ideje. Isprobajte nove pristupe. Budite napredni u svemu što radite.
  3. Pitajte se svakodnevno:''Kako mogu da radim još bolje?''. Jasan odgovor će sam doći.
  4. ''Kako mogu da zaradim više?''. Sposobnost je stanje uma. Uspešna kombinacija u poslu je: Čini bolje ono što činiš i čini više nego što činiš.
  5. Vežbajte pitanje i slušanje. Pitajte i slušajte i dobiće te sirovi materijal za donošenje dobrih odluka. Veliki ljudi ovladavaju slušanjem, mali ljudi pričanjem.
  6. Proširite svoj um. Družite se sa ljudima koji vam mogu biti od pomoći u smišljanju novih ideja, novih načina da se rade stvari. Pomešajte se sa različitim ljudima.

VI – Vi ste ono što mislite da jeste
  1. Izgledajte važno, to pomaže da mislite važno. Vaš izgled utiče na vas, podiže vam moral i samopouzdanje. Vaš izgled utiče i na druge. Neka šalje poruku:''Ovde je jedna važna osoba''.
  2. Mislite o svom poslu kao važnom.
  3. Podsećajte sebe u svakoj prilici da ste prvoklasna osoba.
  4. U životnim situacijama svih vrsta, upitajte sebe: ''Da li na ovaj način razmišlja važna osoba?''.

VII – Upravljajte svojom okolinom; idite prvom klasom

  1. Budite svesni svog okruženja. Kao što vam dijeta oblikuje telo, tako dijeta uma oblikuje um.
  2. Ne dopustite negativnim ljudima tipa: ti-to-nemožeš-učiniti da vas teraju da mislite o porazu.
  3. Nedajte malim, ljudima da vas vuku nazad. Ljubomorni ljudi vas žele videti na dnu. Nedajte im to zadovoljstvo.Tražite savete od uspešnih ljudi. Vaša budućnost je važna. Ne rizikujte sa 'savetnicima' koji su rođeni kao gubitnici.
  4. Krećite se u novim grupama.
  5. Otkrijte nove i podsticajne stvari.
  6. Izbegavajte spletkarenje. Pričajte o ljudima ali ostanite na njihovoj pozitivnoj strani.
  7. Sve što koristite neka bude prvoklasno. Ne smete drugačije. NISAM DOVOLJNO BOGAT DA KUPUJEM JEFTINE STVARI!!!


I - Believe that you will succeed and will succeed

1st Think success, not defeat. Replace thoughts of defeat thoughts about success. You think will win, and not: I may lose, even I am the best, not that I am bad. When the point chances, you think, I may never: I impossible. Make your main thought is: I will win!
2nd Podsećajte yourself that you are better than you think it is. Never, just never sell cheap.
3rd Keep high goals. Do you think small goals, expect modest results. Think big goals and achievement of great success. Big ideas and big plans are often easier, not harder, than small ideas and small plans.

II - heal itself from illness excuses, disease losers

1st Accept the law of cause and effect. See what happens to someone who has had''good luck''. You realize that this does not work on happiness than on the preparation, planning and thinking that produced success.
2nd Do not be a person who wants it. Do not waste mental power on the dreams of a success without effort. Success comes by working those things that bring success. Do not count on luck when you think about the victories, progress, good things in life. Instead, focus on quality ravijanje those inside that will make you the winner.

III - Build confidence and destroy fear

1st Action hatch fear. No action (do not do anything in a given situation), reinforces the fear and destroys confidence.
2nd Make as much effort to think only positive thoughts. Refuse to remember unpleasant events and situations.
3rd People have many more similarities than differences. Make a moderate attitude towards another person. This person only one human being. Many people will 'cut', but the rare ones who bite.
4th Practice to do what your conscience tells you. This prevents the development of guilt complex. Do the right thing is one of the rules of success.
5th Let everything you do has pruku:''I have full confidence''. Practice this:

Sao * Sit in the front line,
* Look people in the eye
* Walk 25% faster
* Speak and
* Keep a wide smile.

IV - How to create a great thought

1st Do not be sold for small money. Dont misjudge yourself. Focus on your strengths. Better you than you think it is.
2nd Use a dictionary of great people. Use a large, bright and cheerful words. Use words that promise victory, hope, happiness.
3rd Expand your horizons. See what can be and not just what it is now. Add the value themselves, others and property.
4th Let your thoughts be above irrelevance. Pay attention to the great goals. Before upetljate in Sitnica, ask yourself:''Is it really important?''.

V - How to think and dream creatively

1st Believe that this can be done. Belief in the decision opens the way to a solution.
2nd Accept new ideas. Try new approaches. Be advanced in everything you do.
3rd Ask every day:''How can I do better?''. I have a clear answer will come.
4th ''How can I earn more?''. The ability of a state of mind. The successful combination of business is: It seems that you are doing it better and makes more than you do.
5th Practice questions and listening. Ask and listen and you will receive the raw materials for making good decisions. Great people ovladavaju listening, little people talking.
6th Expand your mind. Hang out with people who can be helpful in devising new ideas, new ways of doing things. Mix with different people.

VI - You are what you think it is

1st Look important, it helps to feel important. Your appearance affects you, raise your morale and confidence. Your appearance affects the other. Some send a message:''There is one important person''.
2nd Think about your job as important.
3rd Remember yourself in every situation that you are a first-class person.
4th In situations of all kinds, ask yourself:''Do you think this way an important person?''.

VII - Manage your environment, go first class

1st Be aware of your surroundings. As you diet body shape, and diet of the mind shapes the mind.
2nd Do not let negative people such as: I-to-do-you can not force you to think about failure.
3rd Dont allow small people pulling you back. Jealous of people you want to see at the bottom. Nedajte them to zadovoljstvo.Ask advice from successful people. Your future is important. No rizikujte with 'advisors' who are born as losers.
4th Navigate to the new groups.
5th Discover new and inspiring things.
6th Avoid machinations. Talk about the people but their stay on the positive side.
7th All that use shall be first class. You may not otherwise. I am NOT rich enough to buy CHEAP THINGS!

понедељак, 14. децембар 2009.

Otpor vazduha... - Air resistance...

Kada sam bio klinac, osnovno prevozno sredstvo mi je bio bajs (za one koji ne znaju, to je bicikl).
Eee, to su bili dani. Nisam treba da kupujem benzin, ne treba registracija, policija te ne dira... Jedino sto cure bas nisu bile odusevljene kada bih im predlozio da se provozaju sa mnom.

Ali da ne davim previse...
Kod mene u selu ima jedna dugacka nizbrdica. Kada smo se spustali niz to brdo, otprilike do trecine brda smo ubrzavali. Posle toga smo se kretali istom brzinom. Da bi smo zeznuli to pravilo, morali smo da prebacimo u 'najvecu" brzinu i da okrecemo pedale. Jos ako se savijemo napred kao oni sto voze trke... Isli smo brze, ali ne onoliko koliko smo hteli.

Kasnije nam je profesor pricao da kad se vozis ka Beogradu i spustas se niz Bubanj potok, ako izbacis auto iz brzine, ubrzavace do neke brzine, i onda ce da se krece konstantnom brzinom.

Kada sam video ovaj dijagram, postalo mi je jasnije zasto.

Na ovom dijagramu je prikazano koliko snage treba uloziti da bi se savladali spoljasnji otpori, u zavisnosti od brzine vozila.

Da napomenem da su vrednosti brzina male a vrednosti otpora relativno veliki, jer je ovo dijagram za automobil.

Sada malo objasnjenje:

Isprekidana linija pokazuje snagu koja je potrebna za savladjivanje otpora pri kotrljanju (tockova po podlozi) u zavisnosti od brzine kretanja vozila. Ovde porast brzine ima znacajnu ulogu na povecanje ovih vrednosti.
Pri brzini od 20 km/h ima vrednost 0.7 kW.
Pri brzini od 80 km/h, vrednost je 3.5 kW.
Pri brzini 180 km/h, 15 kW se trosi za savladjivanje ovog otpora.

Tackasta linija pokazuje snagu koja je potrebna za savladjivanje otpora vazduha, u zavisnosti od brzine kretanja vozila. Ovde porast brzine ima veoma, veoma znacajnu ulogu na povecanje ovih vrednosti.
Pri brzini od 20 km/h ima zanemarljivu vrednost.
Pri brzini od 80 km/h, vrednost je 3.6 kW.
Pri brzini 180 km/h, cak 41 kW se trosi za savladjivanje ovog otpora.

I na kraju puna linija pokazuje zbir snaga potrebnih za savladjivanje otpora pri kotrljanju i otpora vazduha.
Pri brzini od 20 km/h ima vrednost 0,7 kW.
Pri brzini od 80 km/h, vrednost je 7,1 kW.
Pri brzini 180 km/h, 56 kW se trosi za savladjivanje ovih otpora.

Za ovo vozilo, kao zakljucak se moze izvesti sledece:
Pri veoma malim brzinama (do 20 km/h), otpor vazduha je zanemarljiv pa snaga se tada trosi na savladjivanje otpora kotrljanja. Do 80 km/h veci uticaj ima otpor kotrljanja. Preko 80 km/h otpor vazduha ima sve veci uticaj i sa porastom brzine raste deo snage vozila koji se trosi na savladjivanje otpora vazduha. Pri maksimalnoj brzini od 180 km/h, 15 kW ide na savladjivanje otpora kotrljanja, a 41 kW ide na savladjivanje otpora vazduha. Eto gde odose konji (ili Watti, ko sta voli).

Kod motora, oblik dijagrama je isti samo su vrednosti drugacije. Ali i tu otpor vazduha ima veoma znacajan uticaj.

Otpor pri kotrljanju je manji jer motor ima 2 tocka a ne 4 i gazna povrsina koja je u direktnom dodiru sa podlogom je manja (zbog ovalnog oblika pneumatika) od spomenutog vozila gde su pneumatici sirine 155 mm.

Otpor vazduha je manji pri gorepomenutim brzinama jer je ceona povrsina motora i vozaca dosta manja nego ceona povrsina automobila. Ali kod motora su brzine vece, pa gubici drasticno skacu. Sto je aerodinamika motora bolja, otpori su manji. Sto je vozac u polozaju da manje kvari aerodinamiku, ici ce brze.

I posle pitaju sto vozim motor sa oklopima. Kakvo pitanje. Pa zbog toga da mi ne budu mokre noge kada vozim po kisi.

Nadam se da sam uspeo da objasnim sta me je to mucilo kada sam bio klinac i zasto moj bajs nije hteo brze.

When I was a kid, my primary mode of transportation was Bajs (for those who do not know, it's a bike).
Eee, those were the days. I did not have to buy gas, do not need registration, the police have not touched ... The only thing that the girls were not exactly thrilled when I suggested they take a ride with me.

But not too much I'm drowning ...
With me in the village has a long downgrade. When we descended down the hill, about a third of the hill until we accelerate. After that we move the same speed. In order to zeznuli this policy, we had to move in the 'largest' speed and turn the pedals. More if you bend forward as those which drive the race ... we went fast, but not as much as we wanted.

Later we talked to a professor when you drive to Belgrade and go downhill, vehicle will accelerate to some speed, and then will be moving at a constant rate.

When I saw this chart, it became clear to me is why.

In this diagram shows how much power to be deposited in order to overcome the external resistance depending on the speed of the vehicle.

To note that the value of speed and low resistance value is relatively high, because this is a diagram of a car.

Now a little explaining:

Dotted line shows the power required to undertake the rolling resistance (the wheel base) depending on the speed of the vehicle. This growth rate has a significant role in the increase of value.
At a speed of 20 km / h has a value of 0.7 kW.
At a speed of 80 km / h, the value is 3.5 kW.
At a speed 180 km / h, 15 kW are spent to undertake this resistance.

The dotted line shows the power required to undertake the air resistance, depending on the speed of the vehicle. This growth rate is very, very important role in the increase of these values.
At a speed of 20 km / h has a negligible value.
At a speed of 80 km / h value is 3.6 kW.
At a speed 180 km / h, even 41 kW is spent to undertake this resistance.

In the end, the full line shows the sum of forces needed to undertake the rolling resistance and air resistance.
At a speed of 20 km / h has a value of 0.7 kW.
At a speed of 80 km / h, the value is 7.1 kW.
At a speed 180 km / h, 56 kW is spent to undertake such resistance.

For this vehicle, as a conclusion can be derived as follows:
At very low speeds (up to 20 km/h) has a greater influence rolling resistance. Over 80 km / h wind resistance is an increasing impact velocity increases with the increase of the strength of vehicles that are spent on the resistance against air resistance. At the maximum speed of 180 km / h, 15 kW goes to the resistance against rolling resistance, and 41 kW resistance against going to air resistance. That's where they went horse (or Watt, who is love).

In the Bike, the shape of the diagram is the same just different values. But the resistance has a significant impact.

Rolling resistance is lower because the engine has 2 wheels and not 4 and tread that is in direct contact with the ground is smaller (because of the oval-shaped tire) starting from the vehicle where the 155 mm wide tires.

Resistance is lower in the above-mentioned speed as the frontal area of engines and drivers a lot less than the frontal area of the car. But at higher engine speeds are so drastically jump losses. What is the engine better aerodynamics, less resistance. What is a driver in a position to less spoiled aerodynamics, will go fast.

And after asking that drive motor with armor. Questions. And for this reason that we are not wet your feet when you ride in the rain.

I hope I have managed to explain what bothered me was when I was a kid and why he did not want my Bajs faster.

PS: The text is also on the forum www.motorri.com

Gume za motor... - Tyres for Bike...


Doslo vreme da se menjaju.
Da li kupiti nove, da li kupiti polovne, da li uzeti prednju novu a zadnju polovnu ili obratno???
Odgovor na ova pitanja ne znam. Kazu najbolje je kupiti nove. Ta odluka je na Vama.

Ovde cu (pokusati) da dam neke druge odgovore.

Ako vam gume ne “drze” kako treba, ako se sara samo nazire, ili Vam je neko vec rekao da su vam gume lose, izgleda da Vam trebaju nove gume. Imate varijantu da nadjete par brojeva telefona prodavaca i kazete da imate taj motor, to godiste i oni ce vam reci da li imaju gume za Vas motor. Odete do njih, date novac pa kod majstora da Vam stavi nove gume i u Voznju.
(Ovo gore za saru sam se zezao. Zakonom je definisana minimalna dubina sare na gumi. Ako je sara plica nego sto Zakon kaze, auuu.)

Ali kako smo mi motoristi malo dosadni, mi hocemo da znamo na sta se oslanjamo u voznji i hocemo da imamo poverenja u gume a ne da tamo neka Daca odlucuje da li ce da mi proda neku gumu koja je za touring ili ako to nema, onda ce dati sta ima Cheesy, samo da uzme kintu.

Ali da nas Daca ne bi zeznula i da bi smo se pokazali da sve znamo, evo nekih stvari koje bi trabalo znati da bi Dacu zadivili nasim znanjem.

Odete na neki od sledecih sajtova proizvodjaca guma za motore:

Continental tyre selection

Bridgestone tyre selection

Dunlop tyre selection

Michelin tyre selection

Izaberite proizvodjaca, model Vaseg motora i eto sta Vama treba. Mozete da pretrazite i po dimanzijama ako vec znate.

Saznali ste dimenzije.

Na prethpdnoj slici oznaka 130/90-16 73H znaci:
130 – sirina gume u milimetrima
90 – visina gume u procentima od sirine (90% od 130mm visine je 117mm)
16 – velicina tocka u colima
73 – indeks opterecenja (sledeca slika) 805 lb=365 kg (1 lb=0.45 kg) guma ne sme biti opterecena preko ove vrednosti.
H – simbol maksimalne dozvoljene brzine 130 MPH=210 km/h (1 MPH=1.61 km/h)

Aha. Vecina motora koristi gume koje nemaju unutrasnju gumu. Oznaka za te gume je TL – TubeLess. Ako na Vas motor idu i spoljasnja i unutrasnja guma, oznaka na spoljasnjoj gume ce umesto TL biti TT – TubeType. Onda Vam mozda moze koristiti sledeca tabela:

Na nekim od pomenutih linkova, pitace Vas kakav je Vas stil voznje. Ako vozite kao penzioner, onda Vam trebaju gume koje se brzo greju a ako volite krivine i ostru voznju, onda su za Vas druge gume. Dvokomponentne, trokomponentne, ili sta ti ja znam vec. O tim detaljima pitajte nekog drugog. Ali ovi detalji su mozda i najbitniji.

Odlucili ste koji cete model. Na primer ovako nesto Grin


Sto se mene tice, najverovatnije moj sledeci izbor ce biti Continental ContiSport Atack.

Kada odete da kupite gume, obratite paznju na godiste gume. Kazu da guma ne treba biti starija od tri godine jer posle tog vremena se njene karakteristike pogorsavaju.

Da biste utvrdili koliko je stara Vasa guma, dovoljno je da pogledate na nju i nadjete oznaku koja pocinje sa DOT, pa idu neke oznake nemam-pojma-sta-znace i onda ono sta je bitno, zadnje cetiri cifre predstavljaju broj nedelje i godinu proizvodnje. U ovom slucaju pise DOT blablabla 3605. Znaci da je ova guma proizvedena u 36. nedelji (otprilike septembar) 2005. godine. Jednostavno zar ne?

Ako je sve ovo u redu, sledi montaza. Izmedju ostalog treba obratiti paznju smer. Pravilan smer je definisan strelicom na samoj gumi.

Naravno, ako je neka guma predvidjena da bude napred, ne sme da se montira na zadnji tocak. Na gumi pise Rear - zadnja, Front - prednja.

Sledeca stvar je pritisak u gumama. Proizvodjac guma (i motora) definise pritisak na koji treba da su gume napumpane. Ta vrednost pise na gumama. Za moju Hondu CBR600f, zadnja se pumpa na 2,9 a prednja na 2,5 bara. Ako u gumi nije preporuceni pritisak, radni vek joj se skracuje, ne prijanja dobro za podlogu,... Osim ako necete da vozite na jednom tocku. Onda vaze druga pravila...
Na slici je vrednost u PSI - 42 PSI= 2.9 bar (10 PSI= 0,69 bar).

Nadam se da sam bar malo razjasnio neke stvari onima koji su imali slicna pitanja a nisu hteli da pitaju...

Sada ste spremni za:

I ne zaboravite da na kraju trazite broj telefona od Dace.

PS: Tekst se takodje nalazi na forumu www.motorri.com


Tires ...

It is time to change.
Do you buy new, if you buy used, do you take a new front and rear second-hand or vice versa?
The answer to these questions do not know. They say it is best to buy new ones. The decision is yours.

Here I will (try) to give other answers.

If your tires do not "hold" well, if they cooperate only in sight, or you are someone already said that the tires you lose, it seems that you need new tires. You have a variety to find a couple of phone numbers of vendors and say that you have the engine, that age and they will tell you if they have tires for your engine. Go to them, given the money and the masters that you put new tires and ride.
(This is up to Sarah I was playing. The law defined a minimum depth of rubber. If the co shallower than the law says, awww.)

But as we motorcyclists little boring, we want to know what we rely on the ride and we want to have confidence in the tires and not there some Daca decide whether to sell me a tire that is touring, or if it does, then will give what is Smiley, just to take Bob.

But let us not Daca cheat and to show that we all know, here are some things you ought to know that I'll give impressed our knowledge.

Go to any of the following tire manufacturer websites for the engines:

Continental tire selection

Bridgestone tire selection

Dunlop tire selection

Michelin tire selection

Select the manufacturer, model of your engine and that's what you need. You can Search and dimensions if you already know.

You know the dimensions.

For prethpdnoj figure mark 130/90-16 73H signs:
130 - tire width in millimeters
90 - amount of rubber as a percentage of the width (90% of 130mm height is 117mm)
16 - size of the diameter of Colima
73 - load index (next picture) 805 lb = 365 kg (1 lb = 0.45 kg) rubber should not be burdened by this value.
H - the symbol of a maximum speed of 130 MPH = 210 km / h (1 MPH = 1.61 km / h)

Yeah. Most engines used tires that have inner tire. The label for these tires is the TL - tubeless. If the motor you are going and outer and inner tube, the label on the outside tires will instead be TL TT - TubeType. Then maybe you can use the following table:

In some of these links, it asks you what is your style of driving. If you drive like a pensioner, then you need tires that are rapidly heated and if you like curves and a sharp drive, then you have the other tires. Two-component, trokomponentne, or what I know you already. On these details ask someone else. But these details are perhaps the most important.

You decided that you model. For example something like this:

As for me, probably my next choice will be Continental ContiSport ATTACK.

When you go to buy tires, pay attention to the year of rubber. They say that the tires should not be older than three years after that time because its characteristics are deteriorating.

To determine how old Your tires, just look at it and find a label that begins with the DOT, and some labels do not have go-term-what-what you mean and what is important, the last four digits are the week number and year of manufacture . In this case, the DOT wrote blablabla 3605th Means that the tires produced the 36th week (about September) 2005. year. Just do not

If all of this right, followed by assembly. Among other things you need to pay attention to direction. The correct direction is defined by an arrow on the tire.

Of course, if a tire to be provided in front, must not be mounted on the rear wheel. At the rear tire writes - rear, front - front.

Next thing is the tire pressure. Manufacturer of rubber (and engine) defines the pressure on the tires should be inflated. The value written on the tires. CBR600f for my Honda, the last station on the front 2.9 to 2.5 bar. If the tire is not the recommended pressure, the life of her cuts, not adherent to the substrate well, ... Except you will not drive on one wheel. Then apply other rules ...
The figure shows the value of PSI - 42 PSI = 2.9 bar (10 psi = 0.69 bar).

I hope I have at least a little to clarify some things for those who have had similar issues and did not want to ask ...

Now you're ready for fun!

And do not forget that at the end looking for a phone number from Dace.

PS: The text is also on the forum www.motorri.com

недеља, 13. децембар 2009.

Deo Karadjordjevog proglasa...

"Bog neka ulije hrabrost u srca srpskih sinova i neka slomi silu neprijatelja koji su dosli da uniste nasu pravu veru!"

Deo Karadjordjevog proglasa iz 1813. godine
povodom napada Turaka na Srbiju.


"God instill some courage into the hearts of Serbian sons and a breaking strength of the enemy who had come to destroy our true faith!"

Part Of Karadjordje proclamations from the 1813th
The regarding the attacks of the Turks in Serbia.

петак, 11. децембар 2009.

Jim Morrison

Jim Morrison

(July 3. 1943. - December 8. 1971.)

The Doors




уторак, 8. децембар 2009.

Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head

B.J. Thomas - Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head

Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed
Nothin' seems to fit
Those raindrops are fallin' on my head, they keep fallin'

So I just did me some talkin' to the sun
And I said I didn't like the way he got things done
Sleepin' on the job
Those raindrops are fallin' on my head, they keep fallin'

But there's one thing I know
The blues they send to meet me won't defeat me
It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me

Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red
Cryin's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin'
Because I'm free
Nothin's worryin' me

It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me

Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red
Cryin's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin'
Because I'm free
Nothin's worryin' me

Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head on YouTube


субота, 5. децембар 2009.

Kemal Monteno - Dolly Bell

Kemal Monteno

Dolly Bell, Dolly Bell,

Prica je ista ko sve nase price iz doba tog.
Bili smo djeca i gladna i sretna na svom.

Dolly Bell, Dolly Bell,

Trazili ocima, trazili srcima zivot svoj,
citali, lutali, ponekad sanjali sne.

Dolly Bell, jos smo mastali, ucili, bjezali poljem, Dolly Bell.

Dolly Bell, nismo imali nista, al' opet smo imali sve.

Dolly Bell, Dolly Bell,

Rasli smo, plesali, pjevali, San Remo znali svi.
Satom na prvi smo sastanak otisli svi.

Dolly Bell, Dolly Bell,

Znali smo nocima gradom s gitarama lutati.
Bilo je lijepo, u svemu si zivjela ti.

Dolly Bell, jos te vidimo lijepu i sjajnu ko nekada.

Dolly Bell, uvijek ostaces lijepa i mlada i mi s tobom svi.

Dolly Bell, Dolly Bell,...
