среда, 21. април 2010.

Istocna Srbija - 2 - East Serbia - part 2

Sa Ribarom i Smithom treba da se nadjemo kod restorana Lepenac.

Tu smo imali malu intervenciju na jednom od najboljih motora na svetu. Ali pored 'dobrih' majstora ne postoji ne resiv problem.

Pogled sa parkinga ispred restorana

Sledeca pauza kod Malog Kazana.

Mora i on malo da odmori. Boli glava od stalnog razmisljanja Cheesy

Zatim kod Velikog Kazana.

Kazu da je mozda najlepsi pogled na Dunav bas odavde.

Crkva kod komsija u Evropi

После Доњомилановачке котлине Дунав улази у 19 километара дугачак Казан. Ту је река местимично широка само 150 метара. Пре изградње хидроелектране "Ђердап" у дубоким вировима Казана мрестиле су се моруне и јесетре које су ту долазиле из Црног мора. У Казану су громаде и масиви Велики и Мали Штрбац, с литицама од 800 метара, које се вертикално спуштају у реку. Камене литице мењају боју према сунцу и добу дана...

Nastavljamo dalje prelepim predelima Djerdapske klisure. Sledeca pauza kod Utvrdjenja Diana.


Ova konstrukcija od crvene cigle i kamena podseća na prisutstvo Rimljana na ovim prostorima. Diana je napravljena u mestu zvanom Karataš a podigao ju je Trajan u II veku. To je bilo najveće rimsko utvrđenje u nekadašnjoj Gornjoj Mesiji. Dijana je igrala bitnu ulogu za odbranu Rimskog carstva od napada Germana i Avara sve do VI veka kada je bila napuštena.

Diana, javi se. Ljubavi moja...

Odatle, pored Kladova, idemo za Negotin. I na parkingu auto-elektricara 'Stankovic' pravimo pauzu pred polazak na krajnju destinaciju.

Kada smo stigli, resio Kepo da testira pravi enduro. Ali bezuspesno.

Odatle smo otisli kod Ribara u selo, prilicno umorni i gladni. Verovatno ste primetili da smo na vecini slika ozbiljni. Ali sto se vecera blizila, bili smo sve srecniji.

Nas drugar Pauk nas je opet obradovao lepim vestima (ne samo time sto je doneo sampanjac).

Osim odlicne hrane i jos bolje salate, bilo je raznih pica sto je bio uvod u sizenje.

E onda je usledila nocna voznja.

Pa uporedni test dva modela. Jeste da nisu u istoj klasi, ali slicnog su godista.

We have to meet Fisherman and Smith in restaurant Lepenac.

We had a little intervention on one of the best engines in the world. But in addition to 'good' masters no problem not solved.

View from parking in front of the restaurant

Next break in Mali Kazan.

And he must take a little rest. Headache of constant thinking Cheesy

Then, at the Grand Kazan.

They say that is perhaps the most beautiful view of the Danube just here.

Church of the neighbors in Europe

After Donjomilanovačke Danube valley into the 19 kilometers long Kazan. There is a river in places only 150 feet wide. Before the construction of hydroelectric Djerdap deep virov Kazan mrestile the beluga and sturgeon that are there come from the Black Sea. In Kazan Gromada and ranges are large and small Strbac, s cliffs of 800 meters, which are vertically down into the water. Stone cliffs change color according to sun and age on ...

We continue on a beautiful landscape Djerdap gorge. Next break the fortifications Diana.


The structure of red brick and stone reminiscent of the Roman presence in the region. Diana was made in a place called Karatas and raised her Trajan in the second century. It was the largest Roman fort in the former Upper Messiah. Diana has played an important role in the defense of the Roman Empire from attacks by Germans and Avars to the sixth century when it was abandoned.

Diana, appeared. Love my ...

Hence, in addition to Kladovo, go to Negotin. And the parking lot auto-electrician 'Stankovic' make a break before starting the final destination.

When we got there, decided to test Kepo real enduro. But without success.

From there we went to the fishermen in the village, pretty tired and hungry. You've probably noticed that we are on the most serious images. But as dinner approached, we were all happier.

Our friend the Spider us happy again lovely news (not just because it brought Champagne).

In addition to excellent food and even better salads, there were a variety of drinks which was a prelude to sizenje.

E then came night driving.

And a comparative test of two models. Is not in the same class, but have a similar age.

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