Na tom mestu je postojalo zdanje jos u XIII veku. U naredna tri veka, vlasnici su se cesto menjali (vencanja, nasledstvo, prodaja...).
Godine 1534. Lord Thomas de Thiennes nasledjuje a oko 1538. godine potpuno rekonstruise zdanje i zamak dobija sadasnji izgled. Njegovi naslednici ostaju vlasnici sve do 1865. kada udajom jedne tete, zamak prelazi u vlasnistvo porodice Limburg. 1987. prelazi u privatno vlasnistvo.
Bio je ostecen u nekoliko navrata: invazija Flandrije od strane Louis-a XIV, za vreme Francuske revolucije, tokom Prvog i Drugog Svetskog rata. Tokom WWI, zamak je jedno vreme bio vojni stab jer je bio blizu fronta i dom barona Manfred von Richthofen-a, poznatog kao Red Baron (svojim jarko-crvenim avionom je oborio preko 80 neprijateljskih aviona).
Izmedju 1961. i 1965. godine, zamak se renovira pri cemu je vracen originalni izgled a 1969. postaje zakonom zasticen i otvara se za javnost. U zamku se nalazi jedna koncertna sala i nekoliko konferencijskih.
Moze videti u komediji "That Lucky Touch", ciji je deo sniman u Rumbeke-u 1975. Uloge u tom filmu su tumacili Roger Moore i Shelley Winters.
Ulaz u dvoriste zamka.
Veeeliko drvo ispred ulaza u zamak.
U dvoristu se nalazi i restoran, caffe i igraliste za decu.
Pomocna zgrada.
Izgled zamka nocu.
Chateau Rumbeke (Rumbeke castle) is one of the oldest castle in Belgium, made in the Renaissance (Rumbeke is part of the Roeselare-a).
At that point there was another building in the thirteenth century. In the next three centuries, the owners are often changed (marriage, inheritance, sales ...).
In 1534th Lord Thomas de Thiennes inherited and around 1538th completely reconstruct the castle building and getting the current layout. His successors remain the owners until the 1865th when a married aunts, Castle moved to the family Limburg. 1987th moved to private property.
It was damaged on several occasions: the invasion of Flanders by Louis XIV and, during the French Revolution, the First and Second World War. During WWI, the castle at one time was a military headquarters because it was near the front and the home of Baron Manfred von Richthofen, the famous as the Red Baron (their bright-red plane was shot down over 80 enemy planes).
Among the 1961st and 1965th The castle is where the renovation is returned to its original appearance and 1969th becomes legally protected and opened to the public. The trap is a concert hall and a conference.
Can be seen in the comedy "That Lucky Touch", whose part-filmed in Rumbeke in 1975. Actors in the film are interpreted Roger Moore and Shelley Winters.
The entrance to the courtyard of the castle.
A big tree in front of the entrance to the castle.
In the courtyard there is a restaurant, cafe and playground for children.
Subsidiary building.
The appearance of the castle at night.