среда, 23. јануар 2008.

Biciklisti u Roeselare-u

Gde parkirati bicikl u Roeselare-u?
Jedna od karakteristika ovog dela Belgije, je veliki broj biciklista. Motociklista ima manje, s'tim da su skuteri najbrojniji (oni mali, 49 ccm). Zanimljivo je da se motorcici :-) do 50 ccm, ne registruju u Belgiji.
O pravim motorima, drugom prilikom.
Da se vratim na bicikliste i njihova prevozna sredstva. Razlozi zasto se dosta koriste su brojni. Ravnicarski predeo, lako provlacenje kroz guzvu, mali grad pa se svuda brzo stigne, klima je takva da je moguce voziti bicikl cele godine,...
Pesaci su zakon broj jedan u saobracaju. Odmah za njima su biciklisti. Svuda ima dela puta predvidjenog za kretanje biciklista. To je ili posebno oznacena traka na ulici ili nezavisna biciklisticna staza. Ovih drugih ima dosta manje. Ali kako se te staze ukrstaju sa trakama kojima se krecu automobili, treba biti veoma obazriv. Biciklista se vozi i nailazi na deo gde se njegova staza ukrsta sa trakom za automobile. Mislite da biciklista staje? Hehe. Samo nastavlja dalje kao da je sam. Mozda ce da Vas pogleda za kratko da se uveri da cete stati. Ali vecina ni ne obraca paznju na automobile jer se podrazumeva da ce ga automobil propustiti. Uf, stalno se strecam kada vozim. Kada bi ovi biciklisti dosli da voze po Srbiji, bili bi desetkovani u rekordnom roku.
Tako da cete na dosta mesta videti mesta za parkiranje kao ona na slici sa pocetka price.
Na slici se isto vide bicikli. Neko ce reci, obicni, prosti... Da, vecina vozi ovakve bicikle. Retko cete videti "mountain-bike", toliko popularan u Srbiji. Ima i sportskih bicikla, ali oni stvarno sluze za sport. Biciklizam je prilicno popularan u Belgiji.

Where to park your bike in Roeselare?
One of the characteristics of this part of the Belgian a large number of cyclists. Motorcyclist is less, provided that the largest scooters (those small, 49 cc). It is interesting that motorcici :-) to 50 cc, not registered in Belgium.
The right engine, later.
To get back to the bikers and their transport. The reasons why a lot of use are numerous. Plain area, easy infiltration through the crowd, a small town and quickly reaches everywhere, the climate is such that it is possible to ride a bike all year round, ...
Pedestrians are the number one law in traffic. Immediately after them were cyclists. Everywhere there are road works scheduled for the movement of cyclists. It is either a specially marked tape on the street or independent biciklisticna path. Of the latter has a lot less. But as you cross paths with bands that move cars should be very cautious. Biker driving down the part where he runs into his path intersects with the strip for automobiles. Do you think cyclists fit? Hehe. Just continuing to be alone. Maybe you can look for short to make sure that you will fit. But most do not even paying attention to the cars because it is assumed that the car missed him. Phew, you are constantly stretch drive. If these cyclists come to drive through Serbia, would be decimated in record time.
So you will see a lot of room for parking as it is shown to the beginning of the story.
The figure also see bicycles. Someone will say, ordinary, simple ... Yes, most of these bikes ride. You will rarely see a "mountain-bike", so popular in Serbia. There are sports bike, but they are really serving for sport. Cycling is quite popular in Belgium.

1 коментар:

Анониман је рекао...

Kada ce se nas Ivica vratiti na bicikl kao prevozno sredstvo?
Dosta je bilo motora i zagadjenja vazduha :)
Inace super sto si realizovao staru ideju bloga!