недеља, 24. фебруар 2008.

SKC Kragujevac

Studenski Kulturni Centar Kragujevac.

Sa sajta SKC:

"Nastao iz amaterske delatnosti na Univerzitetu Akud ”Svetozar Marković” koji egzistira u sklopu SKC-a, razvija tradiciju autentičnog narodnog melosa svih krajeva sadašnje Jugoslavije. Folklorni ansambl, orkestar i pevačka grupa (muška vokalna grupa “SKC” i ženska vokalna grupa “Studenac”) postigli su mnogobrojne uspehe na ovdašnjoj i medjunarodnoj sceni. Iza Akuda su medjunarodne smotre i turneje, a trenutno traje konkurs za popunjavanje svih ansabala novim članovima.

Mladi talentovani pisci okupljaju se Književnom klubu SKC-a...

U sklopu izdavačke delatnosti SKC u okviru edicije “Prvenac” objavljuje radove mladih neafirmisanih, talentovanih pisaca .

...Ponedeljak je rezervisan za filmske projekcije, petkom se održava filmska i pozorišna radionica.

Galerija SKC-a rezervisana je za mlade i perspektivne umetnike...

Art Cafe galerija SKC-a predstavlja mesto gde se jednomesečno postavljaju izložbe domaćih i stranih afirmisanih umetnika iz oblasti slikarstva, fotografije, karikature...

...Informacioni centar koji nudi usluge Internet centra, kurseva engleskog jezika i informatike i besplatne usluge medijateke koja poseduje preko 2000 naslova strane stručne literature, beletristike, enciklopedija, rečnika, multimedijalnih diskova i časopisa i sve to na engleskom, španskom, francuskom i nemačkom jeziku."

Eto malo stvari o njima. A kako sam ja nekoliko godina bio clan AKUD-a Svetozar Markovic, zasluzuju da ih spomenem. Zaista lepe trenutke sam proveo sa njima. Pocevsi od obicnih proba pa do koncerata i turneja. Kada se setim, predivan osecaj kada ste na sceni. A na kraju nastupa, poklonite se publici i osmehujete se ispunjeni zadovoljstvom, ponosom i srecom a oni vam na sve to uzvrate aplauzom. Wow. Predivno. Ne moze da se opise recima.

Bice slika sa turneja. A sada evo dve slike iz galerije sajta SKC (prva slika, jupi!)

Student Cultural Center in Kragujevac.

From their site:

"It originated from an amateur activity at the University " Svetozar Markovic "that exists within the SKC, the development of an authentic folk tradition all over the current Yugoslavia. Folklore ensemble, band and vocal group (male vocal group" SKC "and female vocal group," a well ") scored many successes on the local and international scene. After the AA international festivals and tours, and currently runs a competition to fill all ansabala new members.

Talented young writers gather the Literary Club SKC ...

As part of the publishing activities of SCC in the edition "firstborn" neafirmisanih published works of young, talented writers.

... Monday is reserved for film screenings, will be held on Friday film and theater workshops.

SKC gallery reserved for the young and promising artists ...

Cafe Art Gallery of SKC is the place where the month set exhibitions of local and international renowned artists in the field of painting, photography, cartoons ...

... Information center that offers Internet service center, English language courses and information and free services to libraries that have over 2000 titles of the professional literature, fiction, encyclopedias, dictionaries, multimedia CD-ROMs and magazines and all this in English, Spanish, French and German language.

That's the little things about them. And since I am a few years was a member of AA-and Svetozar Markovic, deserve to mention. Truly a beautiful moments I spent with them. Starting from simple test to the concerts and tours. When I think, a wonderful feeling when you are on the scene. And at the end of the performance, give the audience and smiles are filled with pleasure, pride and joy and they all you to repay applause. Wow. Beautiful. Can not be described by words.

There will be pictures from tour. And now here are two pictures from the gallery site SKC (first picture, : D)

субота, 23. фебруар 2008.

Zvone Seruga

Ko? Hmm. Covek koji vise od trideset godina putuje. I to posecuje mesta pored kojih vecina nas obicnih smrtnika nece ni proci. Fotograf, novinar, pisac, avanturista... Mozda ga ova poslednja rec najbolje opisuje. Informacije o njemu, njegovim putovanjima,knjigama i fotografije mozete naci na Zvone Seruga. Na zalost, sajt je na slovenackom. Ako odete na stranicu potovanja, videcete neke destinacije koje je posetio. Ako neku destinaciju odaberete, pored plana i opisa, na dnu strane postoji link "vec fotografij" (valjda znaci 'vise fotografija'). Odlicna prilika da se vidi zivot van civilizacije.
Evo i par skeniranih strana o njemu iz casopisa Auto magazin, izdanje od pre vise od 25 godina:

A evo i par fotografija preuzetih sa njegovog sajta.

Who? Hmm. The man who more than thirty years of travel. And besides visiting places which most of us ordinary mortals will not get away. Photographer, journalist, writer, adventurer ... Maybe it the last word best describes it. Information about him, his travels, books and photos can be found at Zvone Serug. Unfortunately, the site is in Slovenian. If you go to the page potovanja, you will see a destination that is visited. If you choose a destination, in addition to the plan and description, at the bottom there is a link "but photographs" (probably means 'more photos'). Excellent opportunity to see life outside of civilization.
Here are a few scanned pages from the magazine on his car magazine, published since more than 25 years:

But here are a couple of photos downloaded from his site.

петак, 22. фебруар 2008.

Porodiljsko odsustvo u Be

Ako razmisljate da se preselite u Belgiju, treba da uzmete u obzir da je porodiljsko odsustvo u Belgiji 15 nedelja, dok je u Srbiji godinu dana. Naravno, ovde mislim na mame a ne na tate. Pa posle kazite da u Srbiji nije dobro.

Mali edit: Tacno je da je porodiljsko odsustvo u Belgiji 15 nedelja. I to 15 nedelja od dana prestanka rada. Mladim mamama u Belgiji nije lako...

If you are considering to move to Belgium, you need to take into account that the maternity leave 15 weeks in Belgium, while in Serbia a year ago. Sure, here I mean the mother and not the dad. Well after Tell that Serbia was not good.

Small edit: It is true that the maternity leave 15 weeks in Belgium. And 15 weeks from the date of termination.

среда, 20. фебруар 2008.

Council on Foreign Relations

Mene politika ne zanima. Licno, ne vidim svrhu da se zamaram sa tim. Ima mnogo lepsih i zanimljivijih stvari za mene od toga. Tu mislim na svakodnevnu politiku. Sadasnja situacija je takva da niko ne moze da ostane ravnodusan. Ne znam ko je kriv a ko nije! Samo znam da bih vise voleo da sam rodjen na Novom Zelandu nego u Srbiji. Bar da cuvam ovce na miru.
Ja vidim dve grupe:
1. Jedni kazu: "Svako je krojac svoje sudbine." Ili "Sudbina nacije je u rukama gradjana." Wow.
2. Drugi kazu da postoji nekoliko organizacija/udruzenja/(ubacite naziv koji volite), koji "kroje" Svetsku politiku. I oni odredjuju sta ce i kako biti. Opet wow.

Vi izaberite opciju 1 ili opciju 2 po vasem nahodjenju.

Ako je opcija 2 tacna, jedna od tih organizacija je: Council on Foreign Relations.
NonPartisan Resource For Information and Analysis.

Navodno, finansijeri ove organizacije su vlasnici: privatne centralne banke gde se stampaju zelembaci (USD), vojne i naftne industrije itd.
Krajem osamdesetih i pocetkom devedesetih, izvesna gospoda iz ove organizacije su iznela svoje stavove sta ce se desiti po pitanju naseg regiona u skorijoj buducnosti. I skoro sve je bilo kao sto su rekli. Mada ja nisam imao vremena da proveravam.
Ako imate vremena, i nadjete kakva ce nam buducnost biti, javite da se pripremim na vreme.

I am not interested in politics. Personally, I see no purpose to bother with it. There are many most beautiful and interesting things for me than that. I mean in everyday politics. The current situation is such that nobody can remain indifferent. Do not know who is guilty and who is not! Just know that I would prefer that I was born in New Zealand than in Serbia. To preserve at least the sheep alone.
I see two groups:
1st Some say, "Everyone is tailor to their own fate." Or "The fate of the nation is in the hands of citizens." Wow.
2nd Others say that there are several organizations / associations / (insert name that you prefer), which "tailor" World politics. They will determine what and how to be. Once again wow.

You select option 1 or option 2 on your discretion.

If option 2 tray, one of these organizations are: Council on Foreign Relations.
NonPartisan Resource for Information and Analysis.

Supposedly, the financiers are the owners of these organizations: private central bank which printed lizard (USD), military and oil industry and so on.
In the late eighties and early nineties, some gentlemen in this organization have expressed their views what will happen regarding our region in the near future. And almost everything was as they said. Although I have not had time to check.
If you have time, and find what our future will be, call to prepare in time.

уторак, 19. фебруар 2008.

Moje fotografije na...

Neke svoje fotografije sam postavio ovde. A i imate mali slideshow na blogu sa strane.

'Ajde cao.


Flickr mi se nesto ne svidja pa sam presao na Picasa

Some of my pictures you can see on Picasa

недеља, 17. фебруар 2008.


Hot Motorcycle Transformation

Mappet show

Baba i mercedes, hahaha

субота, 16. фебруар 2008.

"Motorista na drumu" - Ili zasto volim da se vozim...

Kazu: "Sta ce ti motor? Kupi auto, i vozi se ko covek. Nema zime, kise, mnogo je sigurnije..." I ja onda pokusavam da im objasnim sta je to sto me 'vuce' na drum. Ali moji pokusaji, ostaju samo pokusaji. Ne umem da nadjem prave reci.
E, onda je jedan motorista napisao nesto sto baca u zaborav sve sto sam rekao na tu temu. Procitajte. Vredi...

"Motorom nikada ne idem nakraćim putem" by Najzli.
Inspirisan razmišljanjima Robetra M. Pirsinga.

Mogu da vidim na svom satu, ne pomerajući ruku sa leve ručke da je pola devet ujutru. Čak i kada vozim sto killometara na sat, vetar je topao i vlažan. Kada je ovako vruće i sparno u pola devet, pitam se kako li će tek da bude u podne. Vetar je prožet oštrim mirisima livade pored puta, nalazimo se u Mačvi i oko nas su velika polja kukuruza i svuda oko nas se pojavljuju bašte, ponegde plastenici. U naseljenim mestima, ograde su pored puta, a kuće su zaklonjene voćem. Put je skoro renoviran i dok prolazimo kroz senke drveća, vazduh iznenada postaje hladniji. Čim izađemo iz senke, kao u topli jastuk, udarimo u vreli talas koji je na nas bacilo sunce. Ponegde naletimo na velike bare pored puta, i na ivicama vidimo pačiće. Eno je, vičem Nataši, ona mi odgovara da me nije čula. Nema veze, previše je zadubljena u okolinu, verovatno će mi uveče pričati o patkicama koje je videla usput. Kada putujete motociklom, način na koji posmatrate okolinu je potpuno drugačiji. U automobilu, uvek ste u nekoj kutiji, naviknuti na televizor, posmatrate prozore kao TV ekran, ne vidite titlove, nema voditelja i put se najčešće svodi na dosadno gledanje sa strane, sve dok slike ne postanu amorfne slike sivo zelenkaste boje koje prestaju kada stignemo, što je krajnji cilj. Vi ste pasivan posmatrač i sve što promiče pored vas je nezanimljivo i uokvireno. Na motociklu tog okvira nema. Nalazite se unutar slike, postajete deo prizora, niste više gledalac i taj divni osećaj prisutnosti vas potpuno obuzima. Taj asflat koji struji desetak santimetara pod vašim nogama je nešto stvarno, ista materija po kojoj hodate, tako mutna da na njoj ne možete da držite pogled ali možete da spustite nogu i dodirenet je kada god poželite, i sve to zajedno, kao iskustvo nikada ne bledi iz svesti. Vi ste put, livada, kukuruz, potok i pače. Ušli ste u sliku, postali deo nje. Putevi koji oslobađaju. Dugo nam je trebalo da shvatimo, videli smo ali nismo uviđali. U krajnjoj liniji, navikli smo da ne vidimo. Život u velikom gradu jednostavno nam oduzme svu slobodu koju tražimo. Ipak, kada smo Nataša i ja spoznali tu slobodu, shvatili smo da nas više ništa neće moći da odvoji od tih puteva, od ljudi koji često uz odgovor na pravac kažu i po koju reč više, srećni što mogu nekome da ispričaju svoj život, dane, sreću, tugu. KOnačno razumem oca i dedu zašto su snove poklonili napravi koja spaja dva točka. I putevi spajaju, ali samo ako se koriste na pravi način. Hteo sam sve to da ispričam Nataši. Na motociklu, ipak ne vodite dugačke razgovore, sem ako ne volite da se derete. Umesto toga provodite vreme opažajući stvari i razmišljajući o njima. O pejzažima, zvucima, o vremenskim prilikama i stvarima koje pamtite, o motoru i mestu na kom se nalazite, razmišljate o stvarima dugo, bez žurbe i osećaja da gubite vreme. Samo sam uzdahnuo srećan zbog svega, u tom trenutku Nataša me polako stegnu oko struka naslonivši kacigu na moja leđa...


Mislim da smo svi mi srećno ljudi što vremenom postanemo delovi ulica, parčad prirode, kamenčići kraj puta, oblaci na nebu, motoristi na drumu.


Tekst je preuzet sa sajta BJBikers.
Autor je Najzli. Motorista. Voli voznju. Daje lepe savete. Pomaze deci. Pise odlicne tekstove. Svaki njegov tekst je zadovoljstvo procitati, a pise ih srcem. Mozda je to razlog zasto su tako dobri. Ali ne. Ja njega ne poznajem. Na zalost.
Hvala Najzli.

Nadam se da Vam je sada malo jasniji odgovor na pitanje iz naslova.

They say: "Why you need bike? Buy a car, and drive like a man. There is no winter, rain, it is much safer ..." I am then trying to explain to them what I 'drag' on the road. But my efforts, are only attempts. Do not know how to find the right words.
Well, this is a motorcyclists wrote something thrown into oblivion everything I said on the subject. Read. It is worth ...

With bike, I never go shortest way" by Najzli.
Inspired by the thinking Robert M. Piercings.

I can see in your hour, not moving your hand on left arm that is half the nine morning. Even when you drive 100 km per hour, the wind is warm and humid. When this hot and muggy at half nine, I wonder how It will be at noon. The wind is filled with sharp scent of the meadow beside the road, we are in Macva and around us are the great fields of corn and all around us appear gardens, greenhouses sometimes. In the places, the fence along the road, and houses are screened fruit. The road was recently renovated, and while passing through the shadows of trees, the air suddenly becomes cooler. As soon as you come out of the shadows, like a warm pillow, hitting the hot wave which threw us in the sun. Sometimes run into a large pond near the road, and at the edges we Pačić. There is, Natasa cry, she answered that I was not heard. Never mind, it's too immersed in the environment, we will probably talk about the evening that saw Patkica way. When traveling motorcycle, look at how the environment is totally different. In the car, you are always in a box, get used to the TV, watching the windows as a TV screen, you see the subtitle, there is no leader and the time is usually reduced to a boring watching from the side, until the image does not become amorphous greenish gray images that stop when you get , which is the ultimate goal. You're a passive observer, and all that promotes next to you is dull and framed. On a motorcycle that framework does not. You are inside the gallery, you become part of the scene, you are no longer a spectator, and that wonderful feeling completely overwhelmed by your presence. The asflat streaming ten inches under your feet is something really, the same material on which to walk, so vague that in it you can not hold the view but you can lower your leg and dodirenet whenever you want, and all together, an experience never fade from consciousness. You've changed, meadow, corn, brook and pace. You have a picture, have become part of it. Pathways that release. Long we need to understand, we have seen, but we uviđali. Ultimately, we are not accustomed to seeing. Life in a big city we just take away all the freedom you seek. However, when we Natasha and I realized that freedom, we realized that we no longer will be able to separate from the road, from people who are often the response to the direction and say the word more, happy to be able to tell someone their life, days , happiness, sadness. Finally, father and grandfather I understand why they gave a dream that connects two wheels. The roads connecting, but only if used properly. I wanted everything to tell Natasa. On the bike, but do not keep long conversations, but if you do not like to Dereta. Instead, spend time noticing things and thinking about them. The landscapes, sounds, the weather and remember things about the engine and place at which you are, think about things a long time, without haste and sense to waste time. I was just happy sigh for all, at the time Natasha me slowly around the waist thigh put helmet on my back ...


I think we are all happy people that eventually become part of the street, pieces of nature, the way stones, clouds in the sky, motorists on the road.


The article was taken from the site BJBikers.
The author is Najzli. Motorcyclists. He likes driving. It gives nice tips. Helping children. Writes excellent lyrics. Each of his text is a pleasure to read, and write them to heart. Maybe this is the reason why they are so good. But no. I do not know. Unfortunately.
Thank Najzli.

I hope you have a little clearer answer to the question from the title (biker on the road or Why I like riding....

субота, 9. фебруар 2008.


четвртак, 7. фебруар 2008.

NASA - fotografije

NASA (The National Aeronautics and Space Administration) je agencija Americke vlade, odgovorna za svemirski program kao i civilno i vojno istrazivanje kosmosa (izvor). Osnovana je 29. jula 1958. Razlog zasto ovo pisem je Nevena. Trazila mi je prosle godine fotografije (istina, drugacijeg sadrzaja), da bi ih odstampala i napravila slike. Inace ideja je odlicna. Ja sam tada pretrazio fotografije koje sam imao. Nasao sam ono sto je njoj trebalo, ali je rezolucija tih slika bila nedovoljna da bi posle stampanja to stvarno bilo lepo. Kasnije sam naisao na sajt NASA-e i otkrio da imaju veliku galeriju i odlicne fotografije. Mozete da ih download-ujete u razlicitim rezolucijama (cak i u 'originalnoj' velicini).
Evo par zanimljivih fotografija:


A flock of birds took flight shortly after the Space Shuttle Atlantis arrives at Pad 39B after being rolled out from the Vehicle Assembly Building for its third voyage in 1988. Atlantis launched in late November 1988 on mission STS-27, a Department of Defense dedicated mission.

Discovery Lifts Off!

Space shuttle Discovery leaps from its launch pad on Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2007, to begin the STS-120 mission to the International Space Station.

The View From Iapetus

While on final approach for its September 2007 close encounter with Saturn's moon Iapetus, Cassini spun around to take in a sweeping view of the Saturn System.Iapetus (1,468 kilometers, or 912 miles across) is the only major moon of Saturn with a significant inclination to its orbit. From the other major satellites, the rings would appear nearly edge-on, but from Iapetus, the rings usually appear at a tilt, as seen here.In the high resolution image, the following moons are visible: Dione (1,126 kilometers, or 700 miles across) at center left, Enceladus (505 kilometers, or 314 miles across) near the left side ansa (or ring edge), Mimas (397 kilometers, or 247 miles across) a speck against the ring shadows on Saturn's western limb, Rhea (1,528 kilometers, or 949 miles across) against the bluish backdrop of the northern hemisphere, Tethys (1,071 kilometers, or 665 miles across) near the right ansa, and Titan (5,150 kilometers, or 3,200 miles across) near lower right.

Evaporating Planet

Planet HD 209458b is evaporating. It is so close to its parent star that its heated atmosphere is simply expanding away into space. Some astronomers studying this distant planetary system now believe they have detected water vapor among the gases being liberated.This controversial claim, if true, would mark the first instance of planetary water beyond our solar system, and indicate anew that life might be sustainable elsewhere in the universe. Although spectroscopic observations from the Hubble Space Telescope are the basis for the water detection claim, the planetary system is too small and faint to image. The image is an artist's concept of the HD 209458b system.

Snowflakes in the Universal Sky

Like cascading snowflakes in the interstellar night, the strange shapes and textures of the stars in the Snowflake Cluster abound in the Cone Nebula. These patterns result from the tumultuous unrest that accompanies the formation of the open cluster of stars known as NGC 2264. Bright stars from the cluster dot the field and they soon heat up and destroy the gas and dust mountains in which they formed. One such dust mountain isheat up and destroy the gas and dust mountains in which they formed. One such dust mountain is the famous Cone Nebula, visible in the above image on the left, pointing toward a bright star near the center of the field.

уторак, 5. фебруар 2008.

Rodenbach route

Rodenbach route je turisticka ruta koja vodi kroz Roeselare-a. Tacnije ona vodi pored najvaznijih znamenitosti vezanih za Albrechta Rodenbacha (a to vam je isto kao da kazem: pored znamenitosti vezanih za grad). Ovo je pesacka ruta. Oznacena je znakovima.

Postoji i turisticka ruta za automobile sa ciljem obilaska znamenitosti okoline i duga je 64 km. Inace ima vise nekih turistickih ruta (za pesacenje, voznju biciklom i autom) a sve sa ciljem da privuku turisti. Ja cu se zadrzati na ovoj manjoj, dugoj 4 km.
Meni je bilo dosadno da slikam sve znamenitosti oznacene na karti koju imam ispred sebe (a Vi je nemate hehe), pa cu samo redom nabrojati ono sto sam slikao, a nekom drugom prilikom cu postaviti i ostale fotografije.

Kako je bila nedelja i lepo vreme, verovatno neko resio da se proseta, ali ne peske...

Ovo je Statue Of Peegie. Postavljena je ispred Policije (mnogo su kulturni ovi belgijski pretorijanci). Postavljena je 1982. Postoji neka lokalna prica o tome ali uglavnom, predstavlja nekog lika Pigija koji pokusava da proda "poslednju" kutiju sjaja za cipele. E simpaticno je to sto on u dzepovima krije jos dve takve. Ovako su opisali pomalo prevrtljiv smisao za trgovinu lokalnog stanovnistva. Kada su neke specijalne prilike, oblace Pigija u odelo.

1634. godine je izgradjena kapela, manastir i skola. Od vremena Napoleona, tamo je bila smestena Episkopija. Renoviraju je u XIX veku.

Saint Michael's Church se nalazi na jednom malom trgu. Jedina crkva u parohiji do druge polovine XIX veka. Ne zna se tacno kada je napravljena ali se zna da je pozar u gradu 1488. godine, ozbiljno ostetio crkvu. Tako da je rekonstruisana izmedju 1497. i 1504. i to u Gotskom stilu he. Tada su i izgradjene 4 male kule a 1735. toranj je zamenjen zvonikom. Na zalost, nisam ulazio u unutrasnjost crkve ali kazu da ima dosta umetnickih dela koje treba videti. Ima najvece orgulje u Zapadnoj Flandriji. Zvonik ima 49 zvona.

Chapel and Convent of Our lady Of Angels "Arme Klaren" Sisters. Duzi naziv slike nego pisanje. Manastir sagradjen sredinom XIX veka.

Gradsko groblje. Pa nije bas celo kao sto vidite na ovoj slici. Ovo je mesto gde su sahranjeni vojnici, koji su dali svoj zivot za oslobodjenje od okupatora, oktobra 1918.

Ostatak groblja izgleda ovako nekako. Moram da priznam da me neka jeza isla niz kicmu dok sam prolazio tuda. Dan suncan, ali vetar nekako cudno zvuci dok duva kroz krosnje drveca na tom groblju. Ko zna... Mozda zato jer su tu posadjene neke retke vrste drveca. Ozbiljno. A i priznajem, mnogo je lepse sredjeno ovo nego ono u mom selu.

A ovo ovde je porodicna grobnica Rodenbach, gde je sahranjen i Albrecht Rodenbach.

Evo i Saint Amand's Church. Ispred nje je spomenik Rodenbachu. O tome je bilo reci.

Alfons Blomme Museum, mesto gde se odrzavaju izlozbe. Nalazi se u glavnoj ulici. Inace, uvek je otvoreno i stalno ima nekih izlozba.

Toliko. Hvala na paznji...

Rodenbach route is a tourist route that leads through a Roeselare. More specifically it leads next to the most important monuments related to Albrecht Rodenbach (which you like to say in addition to sites related to the town). This is a pedestrian routes. Indicated by signs.

There is a tourist route for vehicles in order to visit surrounding attractions and is 64 km long. Otherwise there are some more tourist route (for walking, cycling and car) and all with a view to attract tourists. I will keep on the smaller, 4 km long.
Me it was boring to paint all the sights marked on maps that I have in front of you (and you do not have one hehe), so I'll just order list what I painted, and later I'll put the other photos.

As the weeks and had a nice time, probably someone decided to walk, not walk ...

This is the Statue Of Peegie. Placed in front of the police (many of these are cultural Belgian praetorians). Set in 1982. There is a local story about this, but mainly represents an Pigija character who is trying to sell the "last" shoe shine box. E simpaticno is that he is hiding in the pockets of two more such. Thus they describe Shifty little sense to trade the local population. When some special occasions, dress Pigija the suit.

1634th The chapel was built, the monastery and school. From the time of Napoleon, there was a diocese located. Renovated in the nineteenth century.

Church Saint Michael's is located on a small square. The only church in the parish to the other half of the nineteenth century. It is not known exactly when but it was made known to the fire in the city 1488th The seriously damaged the church. So it was reconstructed between the 1497th and 1504th and in the Gothic style he. Then they built four small towers and 1735th tower was replaced by a bell tower. Unfortunately, I went into the interior of churches, but say there are plenty of works of art to be seen. It has the largest organ in the West Flanders. The bell tower has 49 bells.

Chapel and Convent of Our Lady of Angels "Armee Klaren" Sisters. Name longer than writing. Monastery built in the mid-nineteenth century.

City cemetery. And not just all like to see this picture. This is the place where they buried the soldiers who gave their lives for liberation from invaders, October 1918th

The rest of the cemetery looks something like this. I must admit that I went a shiver down the spine when I passed that way. Sunny day, but the wind sort of strange sounds while blowing through the foliage of trees in the cemetery. Who knows ... Perhaps because there are some rare species planted trees. Seriously. And I admit, a lot is nicer than what sredjen this in my village.

And this here is the Rodenbach family tomb, where he was buried, and Albrecht Rodenbach.

Here's Saint Amand's Church. It is a monument in front of Rodenbach. That's what was the word.

Alfons Blomme Museum, where exhibitions are held. It is located on Main Street. Otherwise, it is always open and always there are some times.

So. Thank you for your attention ...