Kazu: "Sta ce ti motor? Kupi auto, i vozi se ko covek. Nema zime, kise, mnogo je sigurnije..." I ja onda pokusavam da im objasnim sta je to sto me 'vuce' na drum. Ali moji pokusaji, ostaju samo pokusaji. Ne umem da nadjem prave reci.
E, onda je jedan motorista napisao nesto sto baca u zaborav sve sto sam rekao na tu temu. Procitajte. Vredi...
Motorom nikada ne idem nakraćim putem" by Najzli.
Inspirisan razmišljanjima Robetra M. Pirsinga.
Mogu da vidim na svom satu, ne pomerajući ruku sa leve ručke da je pola devet ujutru. Čak i kada vozim sto killometara na sat, vetar je topao i vlažan. Kada je ovako vruće i sparno u pola devet, pitam se kako li će tek da bude u podne. Vetar je prožet oštrim mirisima livade pored puta, nalazimo se u Mačvi i oko nas su velika polja kukuruza i svuda oko nas se pojavljuju bašte, ponegde plastenici. U naseljenim mestima, ograde su pored puta, a kuće su zaklonjene voćem. Put je skoro renoviran i dok prolazimo kroz senke drveća, vazduh iznenada postaje hladniji. Čim izađemo iz senke, kao u topli jastuk, udarimo u vreli talas koji je na nas bacilo sunce. Ponegde naletimo na velike bare pored puta, i na ivicama vidimo pačiće. Eno je, vičem Nataši, ona mi odgovara da me nije čula. Nema veze, previše je zadubljena u okolinu, verovatno će mi uveče pričati o patkicama koje je videla usput. Kada putujete motociklom, način na koji posmatrate okolinu je potpuno drugačiji. U automobilu, uvek ste u nekoj kutiji, naviknuti na televizor, posmatrate prozore kao TV ekran, ne vidite titlove, nema voditelja i put se najčešće svodi na dosadno gledanje sa strane, sve dok slike ne postanu amorfne slike sivo zelenkaste boje koje prestaju kada stignemo, što je krajnji cilj. Vi ste pasivan posmatrač i sve što promiče pored vas je nezanimljivo i uokvireno. Na motociklu tog okvira nema. Nalazite se unutar slike, postajete deo prizora, niste više gledalac i taj divni osećaj prisutnosti vas potpuno obuzima. Taj asflat koji struji desetak santimetara pod vašim nogama je nešto stvarno, ista materija po kojoj hodate, tako mutna da na njoj ne možete da držite pogled ali možete da spustite nogu i dodirenet je kada god poželite, i sve to zajedno, kao iskustvo nikada ne bledi iz svesti. Vi ste put, livada, kukuruz, potok i pače. Ušli ste u sliku, postali deo nje. Putevi koji oslobađaju. Dugo nam je trebalo da shvatimo, videli smo ali nismo uviđali. U krajnjoj liniji, navikli smo da ne vidimo. Život u velikom gradu jednostavno nam oduzme svu slobodu koju tražimo. Ipak, kada smo Nataša i ja spoznali tu slobodu, shvatili smo da nas više ništa neće moći da odvoji od tih puteva, od ljudi koji često uz odgovor na pravac kažu i po koju reč više, srećni što mogu nekome da ispričaju svoj život, dane, sreću, tugu. KOnačno razumem oca i dedu zašto su snove poklonili napravi koja spaja dva točka. I putevi spajaju, ali samo ako se koriste na pravi način. Hteo sam sve to da ispričam Nataši. Na motociklu, ipak ne vodite dugačke razgovore, sem ako ne volite da se derete. Umesto toga provodite vreme opažajući stvari i razmišljajući o njima. O pejzažima, zvucima, o vremenskim prilikama i stvarima koje pamtite, o motoru i mestu na kom se nalazite, razmišljate o stvarima dugo, bez žurbe i osećaja da gubite vreme. Samo sam uzdahnuo srećan zbog svega, u tom trenutku Nataša me polako stegnu oko struka naslonivši kacigu na moja leđa...
Mislim da smo svi mi srećno ljudi što vremenom postanemo delovi ulica, parčad prirode, kamenčići kraj puta, oblaci na nebu, motoristi na drumu.
Tekst je preuzet sa sajta
Autor je Najzli. Motorista. Voli voznju. Daje lepe savete. Pomaze deci. Pise odlicne tekstove. Svaki njegov tekst je zadovoljstvo procitati, a pise ih srcem. Mozda je to razlog zasto su tako dobri. Ali ne. Ja njega ne poznajem. Na zalost.
Hvala Najzli.
Nadam se da Vam je sada malo jasniji odgovor na pitanje iz naslova.
They say: "Why you need bike? Buy a car, and drive like a man. There is no winter, rain, it is much safer ..." I am then trying to explain to them what I 'drag' on the road. But my efforts, are only attempts. Do not know how to find the right words.
Well, this is a motorcyclists wrote something thrown into oblivion everything I said on the subject. Read. It is worth ...
With bike, I never go shortest way" by Najzli.
Inspired by the thinking Robert M. Piercings.
I can see in your hour, not moving your hand on left arm that is half the nine morning. Even when you drive 100 km per hour, the wind is warm and humid. When this hot and muggy at half nine, I wonder how It will be at noon. The wind is filled with sharp scent of the meadow beside the road, we are in Macva and around us are the great fields of corn and all around us appear gardens, greenhouses sometimes. In the places, the fence along the road, and houses are screened fruit. The road was recently renovated, and while passing through the shadows of trees, the air suddenly becomes cooler. As soon as you come out of the shadows, like a warm pillow, hitting the hot wave which threw us in the sun. Sometimes run into a large pond near the road, and at the edges we Pačić. There is, Natasa cry, she answered that I was not heard. Never mind, it's too immersed in the environment, we will probably talk about the evening that saw Patkica way. When traveling motorcycle, look at how the environment is totally different. In the car, you are always in a box, get used to the TV, watching the windows as a TV screen, you see the subtitle, there is no leader and the time is usually reduced to a boring watching from the side, until the image does not become amorphous greenish gray images that stop when you get , which is the ultimate goal. You're a passive observer, and all that promotes next to you is dull and framed. On a motorcycle that framework does not. You are inside the gallery, you become part of the scene, you are no longer a spectator, and that wonderful feeling completely overwhelmed by your presence. The asflat streaming ten inches under your feet is something really, the same material on which to walk, so vague that in it you can not hold the view but you can lower your leg and dodirenet whenever you want, and all together, an experience never fade from consciousness. You've changed, meadow, corn, brook and pace. You have a picture, have become part of it. Pathways that release. Long we need to understand, we have seen, but we uviđali. Ultimately, we are not accustomed to seeing. Life in a big city we just take away all the freedom you seek. However, when we Natasha and I realized that freedom, we realized that we no longer will be able to separate from the road, from people who are often the response to the direction and say the word more, happy to be able to tell someone their life, days , happiness, sadness. Finally, father and grandfather I understand why they gave a dream that connects two wheels. The roads connecting, but only if used properly. I wanted everything to tell Natasa. On the bike, but do not keep long conversations, but if you do not like to Dereta. Instead, spend time noticing things and thinking about them. The landscapes, sounds, the weather and remember things about the engine and place at which you are, think about things a long time, without haste and sense to waste time. I was just happy sigh for all, at the time Natasha me slowly around the waist thigh put helmet on my back ...
I think we are all happy people that eventually become part of the street, pieces of nature, the way stones, clouds in the sky, motorists on the road.
The article was taken from the site BJBikers.
The author is Najzli. Motorcyclists. He likes driving. It gives nice tips. Helping children. Writes excellent lyrics. Each of his text is a pleasure to read, and write them to heart. Maybe this is the reason why they are so good. But no. I do not know. Unfortunately.
Thank Najzli.
I hope you have a little clearer answer to the question from the title (biker on the road or Why I like riding....