Ja vidim dve grupe:
1. Jedni kazu: "Svako je krojac svoje sudbine." Ili "Sudbina nacije je u rukama gradjana." Wow.
2. Drugi kazu da postoji nekoliko organizacija/udruzenja/(ubacite naziv koji volite), koji "kroje" Svetsku politiku. I oni odredjuju sta ce i kako biti. Opet wow.
Vi izaberite opciju 1 ili opciju 2 po vasem nahodjenju.
Ako je opcija 2 tacna, jedna od tih organizacija je: Council on Foreign Relations.
NonPartisan Resource For Information and Analysis.

Navodno, finansijeri ove organizacije su vlasnici: privatne centralne banke gde se stampaju zelembaci (USD), vojne i naftne industrije itd.
Krajem osamdesetih i pocetkom devedesetih, izvesna gospoda iz ove organizacije su iznela svoje stavove sta ce se desiti po pitanju naseg regiona u skorijoj buducnosti. I skoro sve je bilo kao sto su rekli. Mada ja nisam imao vremena da proveravam.
Ako imate vremena, i nadjete kakva ce nam buducnost biti, javite da se pripremim na vreme.
I am not interested in politics. Personally, I see no purpose to bother with it. There are many most beautiful and interesting things for me than that. I mean in everyday politics. The current situation is such that nobody can remain indifferent. Do not know who is guilty and who is not! Just know that I would prefer that I was born in New Zealand than in Serbia. To preserve at least the sheep alone.
I see two groups:
1st Some say, "Everyone is tailor to their own fate." Or "The fate of the nation is in the hands of citizens." Wow.
2nd Others say that there are several organizations / associations / (insert name that you prefer), which "tailor" World politics. They will determine what and how to be. Once again wow.
You select option 1 or option 2 on your discretion.
If option 2 tray, one of these organizations are: Council on Foreign Relations.
NonPartisan Resource for Information and Analysis.
Supposedly, the financiers are the owners of these organizations: private central bank which printed lizard (USD), military and oil industry and so on.
In the late eighties and early nineties, some gentlemen in this organization have expressed their views what will happen regarding our region in the near future. And almost everything was as they said. Although I have not had time to check.
If you have time, and find what our future will be, call to prepare in time.
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