"Dunstan Baby Language Vas uci kako Vasa beba komunicira. Kao roditelj, moci cete da protumacite zvukove i plac Vase bebe - i da brzo i efikasno delujete shodno tome.
Svako novorodjence od rodjenja do 3 meseca koristi 5 karakteristicna zvuka koji oznacavaju: glad, umor, potrebu da podrignu, probleme sa gasovima i neudobnost. Ovde je nebitno kojim jezikom govore roditelji. To nije naucen jezik. To je prirodan nacin za svaku bebu kako da pokaze svoje fizicke potrebe.
'Reci' koje formiraju osnovu onoga sto mi zovemo Dunstan Baby Language, su zvuci koji su zasnovani na bebinim fizickim potrebama. Ti zvukovi su refleksni (urodjeni). Na primer, kada je beba gladna, pocece da sisa, i zvuk koji se tada dobija, je 'rec' za glad. To je bebina prva komunikacija, koja se desava pre nego sto se pravi plac razvije. Sto je pre 'rec' za glad prepoznata, pre ce roditelj da shvati da treba da nahrani bebu, i onda beba manje da place i krace bude neraspolozena - kao i roditelji.
Dunstan Sistem ce Vas nauciti kako da prepoznate tih 5 'reci', provesce Vas kroz moguca resenja i pruziti korisne savete roditeljima. Takodje ce te videti Priscilu Dunstan na casu, gde uci nove mame - rezultati su trenutni.
Posle 8 godina istrazivanja, pokazuje se ovaj sistem zvukova - jezik koji dele sve bebe. Verujemo da ce Vam Dunstan Baby Language biti od koristi, i da cete susajuci bebu - nju stvarno i cuti."

"The Dunstan Baby Language teaches you to hear exactly what your baby is communicating. As a parent, you will be able to interpret your infant’s sounds and cries – and respond to their needs quickly and effectively.
Every newborn communicates from birth to 3 months uses 5 distinct sounds that signal hunger, tiredness, need to burp, lower wind/gas and discomfort. This is regardless of the language their parents speak. It is not a learned language. Rather, it is a natural way for every baby to express their physical needs.
The ‘words’ that form the basis of what we have called the Dunstan Baby Language, are sounds that are based on baby’s physical responses. These are called reflexes. For example, when a baby is hungry it will start to suck, and as sound is added to the reflex, the ‘word’ for hunger is produced. These are the baby’s first communications, which occur before actual crying develops. The sooner the ‘word’ for hunger is identified the sooner a parent can respond by feeding, resulting in less crying and less discomfort for baby - and for parents..
The Dunstan System will teach you how to tune your ear to the 5 ‘words’, take you through settling solutions, and gives helpful advice for parents. You will also view Priscilla Dunstan in a ‘live lesson’, teaching new mothers the System – with immediate results.
It was eight years of research that revealed this system of sounds – the language that is shared by all babies. We trust you will treasure the Dunstan Baby Language as your baby benefits from being is listened to – and truly heard."
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