1. Manastir Svetog Apostola Jakova brata Gospodnjeg u narodu poznatog i kao "Jaković" koji se nalazi ataru sela Duboka, opština Jagodina, i pripada Šumadijskoj eparhiji, sada je parohijska crkva,
2. Manastir Svetog Apostola Tome, poznatijeg kao "Tomić", se nalazi u ataru sela Vojska, manastir je ženski
3. Manastir Uspenja Presvete Bogorodice, ztari naziv "Zidine" u ataru sela Radošin, manastir je ženski
4. Manastir Hum, stari naziv "Duhne", nalazi se na brdu Hum u ataru sela Gložane, u njemu trenutno nema monaštva
5. Manastir Svetih Vrača Kozme i Damjana, poznatiji kao "Zlatenac", nalazi se u ataru sela Gložane, manastir je ženski
6. Manastir Svetog Nikole, poznat i kao "Dobrševo", nalazi se u ataru sela Gložane, manastir je metoh Miljkovog manastira a u njenu trenutno nema monaha
7. Manastir Vavedenja Presvete Bogorodice, poznat kao "Miljkov manastir", atar sela Gložane, manastir je ženski. Zaslužan je za obnovu "Zlatenca" i "Dobrševe".
Za razliku od "Jakovića", ostalih šest pripadaju, teritorijalno, opštini Svilajnac i Braničevskoj eparhiji. Gotovo je sigurno da svih sedam imenovanih manastira potiču iz vremena kraja 14. i početka 15. veka, pripadaju, o arhitekturi Moravskoj umetničkoj školi, koja je doživela najveći procvat za vreme vladavine Despota Stefana Lazarevića koji živeo od 1376-1427. godine. Samim tim se kao ktitori najčešće pominju Despot Stefan visoki ili neko od vlastele bliske vladarskoj dinastiji Lazarevića. Istorija ovih manastira je isprepletana, često su ih mešali kroz istoriju a turski popisi iz srednjeg veka vrlo oskudno opisuju stanje u ovim manastirima.
Takođe iz ovih popisa se, vrlo često,ne može izvršiti precizna identifikacija.
tekst preuzet
Mi nismo obisli sve manastire. Evo nekoliko fotografija od juce:
Manastir Radosin
Manastir je sagrađen u srednjem veku. Ne zna se sa sigurnošću koje godine je sagrađen manastir, kao i ko je ktitor manastira. Kaže se da postoje istorijski podaci da je Radošin sagradio Despotov vojvoda Radoslav Mihaljević.
Po jednom predanju prvobitni manastir je zadužbina Visokog Stefana, a po drugom manastir je sagradila Rada, sestra Miljkova, Zlatkova, Tomina, Jakovljeva i Tutina. Ili: Priča se da su braća Miloš i Radoš bežali pred Turcima - Miloš se nastanio na levoj rečnoj obali i tu je nastalo Miloševo, a Radošu je desna obala oivičena brdima bila pouzdanija i tu je nastao Radošin.
U blizini ima ostataka zidina srednjovekovnog grada. Arheološka istraživanja govore o činjenici da tadašnja crkva manastira, bila je impozantnih razmera, kao i o izuzetnom bogatstvu manastira. Kako predanje kaže, zvonik ovog manastira imao je velika zvona, koja kada su zvonila čula su se na 4 sata hoda od tog mesta.
Prvobitni manastir je porušen od strane Turskog osvajača.
Današnji izgled manastir je stekao tokom Drugog svetskog rata. Obnovljen je 1942. jer je seoski starešina predložio da je 'bolje popraviti crkvu nego ratovati'.
Po jednom predanju prvobitni manastir je zadužbina Visokog Stefana, a po drugom manastir je sagradila Rada, sestra Miljkova, Zlatkova, Tomina, Jakovljeva i Tutina. Ili: Priča se da su braća Miloš i Radoš bežali pred Turcima - Miloš se nastanio na levoj rečnoj obali i tu je nastalo Miloševo, a Radošu je desna obala oivičena brdima bila pouzdanija i tu je nastao Radošin.
U blizini ima ostataka zidina srednjovekovnog grada. Arheološka istraživanja govore o činjenici da tadašnja crkva manastira, bila je impozantnih razmera, kao i o izuzetnom bogatstvu manastira. Kako predanje kaže, zvonik ovog manastira imao je velika zvona, koja kada su zvonila čula su se na 4 sata hoda od tog mesta.
Prvobitni manastir je porušen od strane Turskog osvajača.
Današnji izgled manastir je stekao tokom Drugog svetskog rata. Obnovljen je 1942. jer je seoski starešina predložio da je 'bolje popraviti crkvu nego ratovati'.
Pogled sa okolnog brda

Ako prelazite preko Morave, ovo je jedan od nacina
Vodenica na Moravi
Miljkov manastir (Manastir Vavedenje)
Monasteries "Moravian Holy Mountain" is located on the right bank of the river Morava in the amount of "Bagrdanskog Strait and the length of 18 km and, going downstream, as shown in the following order:
1st Monastery of the Holy Apostle James, brother of the Lord in the nation known as "Jakovic" located deep Atari village, municipality of Jagodina, and belongs to the diocese Šumadijskoj, now is the parish church,
2nd Monastery of the Holy Apostle Thomas, known as "Tomic", is located in the district villages Army, the monastery was female
3rd Monastery of the Dormition of the Theotokos, ztari called "walls" in the district Radošin village, the monastery was female
4th Hum monastery, the old name "Duhne", is located on Mount Hum Glozane villages in the district, it does not have monks
5th Holy Healers Cosmas and Damian, known as "Zlatenac", is located in the district Glozane village, the monastery was female
6th Monastery of Saint Nicholas, also known as "Dobrševo", is located in the district Glozane village, the monastery was an appendage of the monastery and its Miljkovog does monk
7th Presentation of the Virgin Monastery, also known as "Miljkov monastery, atar Glozane village, the monastery was female. Responsible for the restoration of "Zlatenca" and "Dobrševe.
Unlike Jakovic, the other six belong, territorial, and Svilajnac Braničevskoj diocese. It is almost certain that all seven appointed monastery dating from the time of end of the 14th and early 15th century, belong to the architecture of Moravia Art School, which experienced the greatest prosperity during the reign of Despot Stefan Lazarevic, who lived from 1376 to 1427. year. Thus the most frequently mentioned as the founders of Despot Stefan senior or someone close to master of the aristocracy Lazarevic dynasty. History of these monasteries were intertwined, often they were interfering in Turkish history and inventories from the Middle Ages very poorly describe the situation in these monasteries.
Also from this inventory is, very often, can make an accurate identification.
We have not visited all the monasteries. Here are some photos from yesterday:
Monastery Radosin
The monastery was built in the Middle Ages. It is not known with certainty that the monastery was built, and who is the founder of the monastery. It is said that there are historical data that is built Radošin Despotov Duke Radoslav Mihaljevic.
According to one legend, the original monastery was founded by Stephen High, and the second monastery was built Rada, sister Miljkovi, Zlatko, Toma, and James Tutin. Or: It is said the brothers Miloš and Rados fleeing before the Turks - Milos settled on the left bank of the river which created Miloševo, Rados and the right coast lined hills were reliable and which created Radošin.
Nearby is the remains of the medieval city walls. Archaeological research say about the fact that the church at that time, was an imposing scale, as well as an exceptional wealth of the monastery. As legend says, the bell tower of the monastery had a great tone, that when they heard the zvonila to 4 hours walk from the village.
The original monastery was destroyed by Turkish invaders.
The present appearance of the monastery was gained during World War II. Renewed the 1942nd because the village elders suggested that the 'better than fight to repair the church. "
The view from the surrounding hills
If you switch over Morava, this is one of the ways
Mill on the Morava River
Miljkov monastery (Monastery of Presentation)
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Predivne fotografije, zaista!
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