Manje-vise svi normalni
Prvo odrediste su Rajacke Pimnice. Nalaze se na brdu iznad sela Rajac, 25km od Negotina.
Rajac je najpoznatije selo ovog kraja i ovde turisti odavno dolaze. Iako na mnogim starim vinskim podrumima stoji natpis pivnica, u novije vreme za Rajačke pivnice se sve češće koristi naziv pimnice. Arhitektura je identična pivnicama iz Rogljeva, samo što ih ima znatno više. Ulice su široke da bi se lakše unelo grožđe. Radnim danima, kada turista ima malo, na njima retko možete sresti nekoga – sve izgleda kao da je vreme nekada davno stalo.

Milos odlazi kuci a mi preko Zajecara stizemo u rimsku palatu Felix Romuliana
Гамзиград представља резиденцију римског цара Гаја Валерија Максимијана Галерија (Gaius Valerius Maximianus Galerius; 293-311. г.), зета Диоклецијановог. По мајци Ромули назвао га је Ромулијана (Romuliana). Палата изгледа никада није довршена, а цареви 4. века су велелепни посед препустили хришћанској цркви. Током 5. века палата је разарана од стране варвара, а у 6. век Ромулијану је Јустинијан I обновио у виду пограничне тврђаве. Након најезде Словена крајем 6. века, некадашња царска резиденција је напуштена. Моћан град, на 6,5 ha, са око 20 утврђених кула. Унутар се налазила раскошна палата, два паганска храма, три хришћанске цркве и друге грађевине; подни мозаици се сматрају равнима најбољим остварењима касноантичког доба у Европи.
Kada je Romulijana otkrivena mislilo se da predstavlja rimski vojni logor. Obimnija istraživanja 1953. godine dovela su do otkrića palate sa nakitima, mozaicima i novčićima što je arheologe dovelo do zaključka da to ne može biti vojni logor. Zagonetka je rešena tek juna meseca 1984. godine otkrićem kamena sa natpisom Felix Romuliana. Najveća građevina u palati je istovremeno i jedan od najvećih hramova u Evropi - Jupiterov hram
Nismo se previse zadrzavali jer trebalo je nesto jesti tog dana. Tako da smo jedva cekali da stignemo u Etno centar 'Balasevic'.
Ja ocekivao da naidje Djole ali ga nije bilo. Vazno je da je gibanica sa kiselim mlekom bila odlicna (ili sam ja bio mnogo gladan).
Tu nam se pridruzio Nemanja.
A posle rucka su Ribar i Smith krenuli nazad. (Momci, hvala na svemu. Bilo mi je veliko zadovoljstvo da se druzim sa vama.) A mi smo gledali u nebo.
Meni nije bilo bitno sto ce da pada kisa, vec sto ce nam smetati da se malo provozamo Cestobrodicom. Kisa nije pala ali je zato bilo rizle
Otisli do doma zenskih osoba ometenih u razvoju, ali bez duzeg zadrzavanja. Tu nisam bio raspolozen za slikanje.
I onda Cuprija odakle je svako otisao na svoju stranu.
Sve u svemu odlican vikend. Puno stvari videli. Puno toga preskocili jer nije moglo sve da se uklopi u dva dana. Voznja pored Dunava nezaboravna. Priroda Istocne Srbije ostavlja bez daha. Ljudi fenomenalni. Zao mi je sto nemam vise slika, ali nisam znao da li pre da gledam na put ili da ja uzivam u predelima. Ko tu onda da misli na slikanje. Drugog dana smo vec bili i umorni, razmisljali da li ce kisa ili nece. A i blizio se ponedeljak
Hvala svima koji su ucinili da mi ovaj vikend bude odlicno ispunjen.
After a stormy night, the mood was different
More or less all the normal Green
First destination is Rajacke Pimnice. They are located on a hill above the village Rajac, 25km from Negotin.
Rajac is the most famous village in this area and tourists here a long time coming. While many old wine cellars inscription pub, in recent times for Rajačke brewery is more frequently used name pimnice. The architecture is identical Pivnice from Rogljeva, just as there are considerably more. The streets are broad to be easily brought grapes. On working days, when the tourists have little in them you rarely meet someone - it all looks like it's time once stopped.
Milos went home and we arrive at through Zajecar Roman palace Felix Romuliana
Gamzigrad the residence of Roman Emperor Gaius Valerius Maximian Gallery (Gaius Valerius Galerius Maximianus, 293-311. G.) Zeta Diocletian. After her mother called it Romuli Romulijana (Romuliana). The palace seems never completed, and the fourth emperor century are beautiful posed to it by the Christian church. During the 5th century palace was destroyed by the barbarians, and in the 6th Romulijana century Justinian rebuilt it in a border fortress. After the invasion of the Slavs in the late 6th century, the former royal residence was abandoned. Powerful city, to 6.5 ha, with about 20 fortified towers. Inside the opulent palace was located, two pagan temple, the three Christian churches and other buildings, floor mosaics planes are considered the best achievements of European classical Roman era.
When Romulijana discovered it was thought that a Roman military camp. Extensive research 1953rd years have led to the discovery of the palace with jewelry, mosaics and coins which led archaeologists to the conclusion that it can not be a military camp. Puzzle was resolved only in June 1984th The discovery of stone with the inscription Felix Romuliana. The largest building in the Palace is also one of the largest churches in Europe - the Temple of Jupiter
We did not dwell too much because it took something to eat that day. So we can hardly wait to get in the Ethnic Center 'Williams'.
I expect to prevail Djole but it was not. It is important that the gibanica with sour milk was the best (or I was more hungry).
There we joined Nemanja.
And after lunch the fisherman and Smith went back. (Guys, thanks for everything. It is my great pleasure to get together with you.) And we're looking at the sky.
It did not matter to me what is going to fall rains, but it will annoy us that little ride Čestobrodica. Rain had not fallen, but because any grit Angry. We have made two or three rounds and joined friends in Grzi.
Went to the local women's disabled persons in development, but no longer holding. I was there to capture mood.
Then Cuprija where everyone went his own way.
All in all, great weekend. A lot of things seen. Skipped a lot because it could not all fit in two days. Unforgettable ride next to the Danube. The nature of Eastern Serbia breathtaking. People phenomenal. I'm sorry I do not have more pictures, but I knew that before watching the way or to enjoy the landscape. Who then thought that the painting. On the second day but we were also tired, think about whether it will rain or not. And approached the Green Monday.
Thanks to everyone who did that to me this week is great to be met.
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